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GRIFTERS: Steele and Cadwalladr Still Spinning Debunked RussiaGate Conspiracy Theories

21WIRE | Despite the dramatic claims by the likes of The Guardian, this latest breaking ‘bombshell’ is nothing but a distraction to cover for a series of propaganda failures.

US State Department Hired Cambridge Analytica Parent Company to Interview ‘Potential ISIS Recruits’

21WIRE + Antiwar.com | In the world of ‘propaganda research’ there are no limits, even for the US State Department.

Trend Storm: ‘Why Facebook Betrayed Its User Base and What’s Next’

Trend Storm | As it moves into its latest authoritarian phase, will influential users begin migrating to more free speech-friendly platforms?

UK COLUMN: British Intel Now Claims Syria Involved in Skripal Case and More

UK Column News | Mike Robinson is joined by Patrick Henningsen and guest Piers Robinson for today’s news round-up.

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