21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | They know they are surveilling innocent people, so what are we going to do about it?
The Social Grid: ‘Facebook saves the NSA and CIA money’
21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | “The manpower that Facebook saves is huge…”
Privacy Blowback: DHS cancels national license-plate tracking plan
21WIRE + Wash Post | It’s a small victory for the people, but our privacy is still being violated by federal and other government agencies.
OUTERNET: Company plans to beam ‘free Wi-fi to everyone’ using low-earth orbit cubesats
21WIRE + Mail Online | New project known as ‘Outernet’ hoping to launch hundreds of miniature satellites into low Earth orbit by June 2015.
BTW – Edward Snowden Did Not Work For The NSA
21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | This, and other little-known facts about the US government spying on its citizens debacle.
NSA spying on members of Congress and Senate
21WIRE + RT | More post-Snowden revelations provide proof that the NSA is completely out of control.
Obama Tries to Hush Legal Blowback Against ‘No-Fly Lists’
21WIRE + Mercury News | This is White House which knows no shame when it comes to justifying its un-American police state.
PR Super-Spin: Obama Supposed to Deliver ‘Historic’ NSA Speech
21WIRE | Announcement: Obama breaks from golf course to give NSA speech.
Corporate Raiders Use Gov’t to Attack ‘Net Neutrality’ and What it Means to Freedom
21WIRE + RT | If you don’t know what ‘Net Neutrality’ means, then now is the time learn it.
Google’s ‘Nest’ Spy Grid to be in your living room
21WIRE + NY Times | The hypocrisy surrounding Google seems to only be dwarfed by the Obama administration’s policies and scandals.
‘Christmas Tree Bomber’ Could Mount a Constitutional Challenge to NSA Secret Spying
21WIRE + WP | 2010 fake terror plot may backfire badly on the federal agencies who manufactured it.
New Report: NSA metadata has ‘NO impact’ on preventing terror
21Wire + WP | The NSA has had little to ‘no impact’ on preventing terrorism.
HEY! They Took Away My Planet and Gave Me Revolution
Andrew McKillop | An epic rant. Beware, be afraid of the ‘System Tyrant’.
21WIRE + Mail Online | ‘People are being scrutinised and having their lives tracked, and are not even aware of it.’
Trove of disclosures about Israel ‘to come’ from Snowden
21WIRE + RT | Will Snowden or Greenwald actually reveal anything about 9/11?
Another Corrupt, Unconstitutional US Judge Rules in Favor of the NSA
21WIRE + WP | Judge William H. Pauley III (photo, left), ‘ruled’ that the domestic collection program is legal.
Quantum Spying: The NSA looks to ‘put an end’ to all forms of encryption
21Wire + RT | The NSA has been building a quantum based code-breaking super computer, an idea that was launched under Bush’s “total information awareness” program.
Traitorous US Judge Rules ‘Constitution Exemption’ Zone 100 Miles Inland
21WIRE + RT | As the Nazification of the US Federal Fascist States continues, this ruling will somehow be viewed as “progress”.