21WIRE + The Switch | The NSA quietly, and very cynically released a heavily-redacted report under cover of Xmas.
Sneaky NSA Releases Report on Its Illegal ‘Intelligence’ Collection on Christmas Eve
While You Slept: Congress Gives NSA Even More Spying Power
21WIRE + Rare | Everyone should be upset by this latest sneak-move from US lawmakers…
How to keep those old Facebook posts hidden (well, sort of).
The Switch | The Internet, being what it is, means that the temptation is overwhelming to search out your embarrassing posts.
Gov’t and ISP’s Master Plan for Throttling Online News Sites
Mike Adams | A practice run that took place earlier this week in California has already confirmed Gov’t has ability to block news sites regionally.
Surveillance Racket: Feds threatened Yahoo with $250K per day fine to force data release
21WIRE + WP | Just how far away from the democratic process has the US drifted?
Mystery Cell Towers: Another Outsourced Spy-Tech Program?
21WIRE + VentureBeat | Understanding the ‘supply chain’ of new technology is a critical first step.
Transcendence (2014): The ultimate transhumanist film to date
Jay’s Analysis | Imagine a ‘ghost in the machine’ accessing infinite amounts of data, but for what purpose?
New ‘Face Replacement’ Anti-Surveillance Mask Lets You Pass As Someone Else
21WIRE + CNET | Here’s one big idea that could certainly turn the Orwellian police state on its head.
Against DOJ Wishes, Tech Firms Claim They’ll ‘Alert’ Users to Data Demands
21WIRE + WP | How come these tech giants will not simply refuse to hand over our data to begin with?
The Bundy Paradigm: Will You Be a Rebel, Revolutionary or a Slave?
John W. Whitehead | Most Americans are still unaware of what happened and why, at the Bundy Ranch last week – and how it potentially affects everyone.
Knowing How the Global Internet Works – And How It Can Crash
21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | Is there a Plan B if the Internet goes down for an extended period of time? No there isn’t.
Obama’s Hegelian Deception: NSA ‘Overhaul’ Forces Telecoms to Collect More Data
21WIRE + RT | US telecoms giants would be compelled by court order to ensure that our phone data can transmitted to the government on demand.
Google Claims it Will Now Encrypt All Search Data – Do You Believe Them?
21WIRE + WP | Until the NSA is scrapped and firms like Google have to sign public charters guarranteeing compliance to Americans’ Bill of Rights, then it’s just more of the same.
Even Dirtier: NSA Plan to Infect Millions of Computers with ‘Malware Implant’
21WIRE + First Look | The NSA that has nothing to do with the ‘national security’ of the USA, and everything to do with intentionally ruining this present version of the internet.
Chelsea Clinton Addresses Tech Conference for Hillary’s Media Makeover Tour
21WIRE + PJ Media | What you won’t hear from the mainstream media about Chelsea Clinton’s staged appearance at the 2014 SXSW Interactive Conference.
‘Oversubscribed’: DOJ’s Review of Comcast Deal Preloaded with Industry Insiders
21WIRE + NYT | So, what say you DOJ? Bring on the Comcast mega pipe?
Paid Gov’t and Corporate Internet Trolls Are Real
21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | The public can finally put an ugly face on this disease which is contributing to the ruining of the internet.
Snowden: ‘Training Guide’ for GCHQ, NSA Agents Infiltrating and Disrupting Alternative Media Online
21WIRE + Rundown Live | Latest leak shows how our governments are aggressively targeting individuals in secret, undermining them and eventually setting out to destroy them on the internet.
Tracking and Charging: Trans-Texas Corridor-NAFTA Superhighway Control Grid Underway
21WIRE + Truthstream Media | Ubiquitous RFID technology is being used as the anchor for the globalists, new world order and Agenda 21 system being rolled out in Texas.