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NSA’s Digital Dragnet on Americans: Your Gov’t is Trading Your Info with Mega Corps

Patrick Henningsen | Breaking down the dirty business of data trading between govt and mega corps.

NSA whistleblower Snowden supported Ron Paul’s presidential campaign

21st Century Wire | The PR spin cycle around Snowden is just beginning to hit ‘extra rinse’…

US Government: The World’s Biggest Hacker

21st Century Wire | Digital Mafia: Cyber terrorism is a mega business in the US.

Symantec: ‘Stuxnet Virus Targeting Iran Was in Works as Early as 2005

Washington Post | Stuxnet destroyed 1,000 uranium-enrichment centrifuges in Iran and it was started in 2005.

Cover-up: Did The CIA ‘Suicide’ Aaron Swartz?

It is amazing that no media outlets are attempting to cover this story, especially since Swartz’s own father accused elements of the US government of being responsibly for Aaron’s death…  READ MORE SCI-TECH NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Sci-Tech –

Senate Approves Measure to Renew Orwellian Surveillance Powers

Washington Post | “An open and democratic society like ours should not be governed by secret laws.”

SKYNET IS HERE: Computers that will taste, smell and hear (and think) in 5 years, says IBM

21WIRE + WP | SKYNET wasn’t just science fiction, as we will soon find out with Artificial Intelligence.

Globalist Susan Rice Withdraws from Secretary of State Bid Over Opposition

21WIRE | She’s now in the same category as Tony Blair, George Bush and others who couldn’t manage to tell the truth.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue