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Introducing The Biden-Harris Paid-For Online Troll Farm

Patrick Henningsen | Taking online trolling and bot farms to a whole new level this election cycle.

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Rejects Biden Call for ‘Unity’

21WIRE | The corporate mainstream media are clearly scorned.

Glenn Greenwald Resigns From His Own Publication Citing ‘Pro-Biden’ Censorship

21WIRE | In resigning from The Intercept, Greenwald exposes an “infiltrated” media serving up political propaganda to the American people.

VIDEO: Meet The Fact Checkers

JP Sears | Behind the scenes with the Fact Checkers who determine what’s true, and what’s false.

Trump’s Fault? The ‘Covid Killer’ Claim by His Opponents That Defies Reason

21WIRE | It’s a claim that borders on insanity and is devoid of any logic or real evidence.

Is the Texas COVID ‘Second Wave’ Fake News?

Ron Paul Institute | Texas Governor is coming under fire for aggressive ‘second wave’ lockdown policies.

Press Event: ‘MH17: Trial by Media’ in The Hague

Bonanza Media | The case is far from being closed, and so the search for the truth of what happened on that fateful day continues.

UKC News: COVID Lockdown ‘Stop Light’ System, Evidence of Gov’t Using MSM for PsyOps

UKC News | Co-hosts Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and David Scott bringing you the latest Coronavirus updates.

Shame of New York Times ‘Apartheid Reporting’ on Coronavirus in Israel and Palestine

James North | Bias NYT coverage barely mentions threat to Palestinians in West Bank, while leaving out Gaza entirely.

Flint Resident Slams Biden Campaign Ahead of ‘Big Tuesday’ Primary

21WIRE | The overarching message from the Democrats and their media partners: if you’re speaking out against the establishment, you can just shut up.

Pilger: Julian Assange Must Be Freed, Not Betrayed

John Pilger | If there is any sense of justice left in the land of Magna Carta, then Assange’s case should be thrown out of court. The world is watching.

Western Media Coverage of Russia: A Perfect Case Study in Propaganda

Gilbert Doctorow | Thanks to our blinked MSM, the Western public have no chance to make sense of the most dangerous military and political standoff of our age.

Esper Admits No Intelligence for Soleimani ‘Threat’, MSM Still Loyal to Iran Narrative

Patrick Henningsen | Trump has not drained the swamp, he’s merely re-organized it, for the Neocons.

GRIFTERS: Steele and Cadwalladr Still Spinning Debunked RussiaGate Conspiracy Theories

21WIRE | Despite the dramatic claims by the likes of The Guardian, this latest breaking ‘bombshell’ is nothing but a distraction to cover for a series of propaganda failures.

Mainstream Media on OPCW Leaks – The Good, Bad and Downright Ugly

Sheila Coombes | Rather than cover the OPCW story, a tight network of operatives in mainstream media are not only suppressing this story, but tare also actively attacking anyone who reports on it.

The Truth About OPCW and Supposed ‘Gas Attack’ in Douma

21WIRE | It’s time for the US, UK and France to come clean and admit the truth about the alleged 2018 ‘chlorine attack’ in Syria.

IG Report: Mainstream Media Now Silent on RussiaGate Lies They Helped Spread

21WIRE | To any sober observer, this plot would sound like lunacy, and yet the narrative is still being preserved by US deep state and Democratic Party.

Journalist Exposes BBC Propaganda in Ukraine, Crimea and Beyond

Graham Phillips | Is the BBC really an impartial news outlet? We’ll let you be the judge of that…

NATO Summit: UK Police Block Access and Detain Ruptly Producer Under ‘Terrorism Act’

21WIRE | A dangerous precedent may have been set yesterday, as UK authorities openly intimidate a Russian news agency journalist.

Willing Accomplices: Western Media Support for CIA Coup in Bolivia

Stephen Lendman | CIA tradition endures, using its paid media gatekeepers to manage and propagate the official narrative – and suppress truth wherever they may appear.

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