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Press Event: ‘MH17: Trial by Media’ in The Hague

A press conference ‘MH17 – Trial by Media’ will take place in The Hague, Netherlands, on June 6, 2020, in advance of the new sittings of the trial in absentia of three Russians and one Ukrainian in Amsterdam, beginning on June 8.

Earlier this year we have presented the investigative documentary MH17 – Call for Justice, produced by Bonanza Media, in London and The Hague, as the first detailed documentary film which challenged the Dutch and mainstream western media version of what actually happened on July 17, 2014 in eastern Ukraine. Presentations given including an audio forensics report by Mr. Akash Rosen, MSc, CHFI, GCIH, Associate ICFA, HCME Computer Incident Response and Forensics. During the events in March Bonanza revealed that the audio taps presented by the Ukrainian secret services were not authentic. The Joint Investigation Team (JIT) leaks shared by Bonanza Media offered an insight in the kitchen of manipulations, lies, groundless accusations and insinuations that surround the MH17 case.

The case is far from being closed, and so the search for the truth of what happened on that fateful day continues. In addition, there is a bigger conversation about the misinformation and propaganda which the public has been subject to. Therefore, the focus this time lies on the narrative created by the media around the MH17 tragedy which took the lives of 298 persons.

Yana Erlashova from Bonanza Media, will present new and important information on the case, while the panel of experts from the field of journalism, communications, political science and civil investigations will share their own insights and discuss the role which the media has played in the extreme politicization of public discourse on the downing of MH17 and subsequent public investigations.

Special panel guests will include Professor Kees van der Pijl, Professor Cees Hamelink, Dutch independent journalist Eriс van de Beek, German civil investigator and journalist Billy Six.

Date: June 6, 2020.
Time: 18.00 – 21.00 (local Dutch time)
Venue: Studio Weltschmerz, Hofvijver, The Hague.
Registration: [email protected]

For those unable to attend this event in person, a live stream will be broadcast on Saturday evening. Watch it LIVE here:

This event is hosted by the international platform, Global Rights of Peaceful People, and Bonanza Media, an international platform of independent journalists.

IMPORTANT: Within the RIVM guidelines the venue allows max. 30 persons maintaining a 1.5-metre distance as well as under compliance with the safety and hygiene measures. Your presence is therefore only possible after written confirmation from the organizers. Please, note that the access to our event is prohibited if you have health complaints, like nasal congestion, coughing, a sore throat or a common cold.

READ MORE MH17 NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire MH17 Files




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