No American politician has ever been able to monetized their political career like the Clintons.
In 2000, they went from owing millions of dollars, to suddenly earning over $130 million shortly afterwards. Where did the all money come from? Many suspected they had amassed their incredible wealth through their lucrative book deals and high-six figure fees for speaking gigs, but there is much more to this amazing money trail than anyone could imagine. At the center of their empire is the billion dollar pay-to-play slush fund known as the Clinton Foundation, whose donors were a who’s who of foreign officials, transnational corporations and other high-flying grifters. Everyone hoped to buy various favors, but Hillary’s epic defeat in the 2016 Presidential Election brought the Clinton gravy train to a screeching halt.
Jesse Watters lays out the trail of corruption left behind by America’s ‘most famously crooked couple,’ Bill and Hillary Clinton. Watch:
SEE MORE CLINTON NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Clinton Files
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