Branko Malić
21st Century Wire
Nationalism is one of those terms anyone can use for any purpose. From alt-right to radical left, being termed ‘nationalist’ defines you clearly and distinctly as someone somewhere on the spectrum ranging from ‘radical patriotic saint’ to ‘radical reactionary demon’.
However, when some moniker has such wide array of meaning and provokes still wider array of value judgments – from being the badge of honor to a mark of Cain – it is a sure sign that no one really knows what it means.
Idea of ‘nation’ as a political community is not a modern idea. But when it is amended by suffix ‘-ism’ there can be no doubt that we are talking about a post 1789, therefore: a modern term.
In this audio essay we’ll talk precisely about this modern philosophical, political and ethical paradigm that shaped our age to a great extent, peaking in its influence in mid to late 19th century, mainly through activity of secret societies. For this purpose we’ll analyze the ideas of one of it’s greatest prophets, Italian philosophist, conspirator, activist and, presumably, ‘terrorist’ Giuseppe Mazzini.
The hypothesis endorsed will be that Mazzini’s notion of “religion of nationalism” or, as he would put it, “cosmopolitism of nations”, was a ruse for what we would now call ‘destabilization’ of European states from second part of 19th century to the aftermath of WWI. Furthermore, we’ll explore a symbolism Mazzini uses in his writings, which is commonly understood as “freemasonic”.
While wide speculation on this revolutionary’s activities was replete both in his own age as it is now, with apparently bogus “three world wars letter from Albert Pike to Giuseppe Mazzini,” we’ll make the case that there’s more than just the kernel of truth in the idea that he was the man with the plan that was far more ambitious, and far more insidious, than “liberation of European peoples.”
In 19th century, we argue, nationalism was a tool of nascent Globalization, the program of bringing about what Mazzini dubbed “World Republic”, through creation of “Federal States of Europe.” Today, it cannot be nothing but the same thing, only a bit less important, because it reached the peak of its usefulness long ago. Yet, no effect can escape its cause, and this applies also to Nationalism. It was conceived for certain purpose and when nowadays someone picks up on it, he works for this purpose wittingly or unwittingly.
And this purpose, in Mazzini’s own words, would be to accomplish this:
“(…) the great edifice that the centuries and the peoples are called to erect will vaguely resemble a pyramid whose top can touch the sky and whose base embraces Humanity as a whole. God’s eye will radiate from the peak of this pyramid.“ (Giuseppe Mazzini, “Humanity and Country“, in: A Cosmopolitism of Nations. Princeton University Press, Princeton: 2009., pg. 55)
(If for some reason the Mixcloud presents you with problems, the podcasts are available on Kali Tribune’s Youtube channel. Podcasts can be downloaded via this link )
Show notes
Unknown author, Permanent Instruction of Alta Vendita
Barruel, Auguste Memoire Illustrating History of Jacobinism. (Fraser: American Council on Economics and Society, 1995.)
Martin, Malachi The Keys of this Blood. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989.)
Mazzini, Giuseppe A Cosmopolitanism of Nations. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009.)
Mužić, Ivan Masonstvo u Hrvata. (Split: Laus, 2000.)
Pope Leo XIII Humanum Genus
The origin of the great seal of USA
Mazzini inspired actions in Europe
Author Branko Malić is a Croatian author and owner of Kali Tribune, with the background in classical philosophy. He’s focused on philosophy, media, culture and deep politics analysis.
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