Jay Dyer | Following up on my analyses the past few months, my take is largely corroborated with the recent ‘Vault 7’ release – the biggest intelligence dump in history.
Facebook Now Decides What Is Branded Fake News
21WIRE | Facebook knows best?
French Presidential Candidate: ‘Fake News’ & ‘Russian Hack’ – The New Political Cry Wolf
21WIRE + The Duran | Emmanuel Macron, French Presidential candidate and establishment favorite borrows a failed move from Hillary Clinton’s campaign strategy. Cry ‘fake news’ & Russian interference’… The new ‘cry wolf?’
Boiler Room #94 – President Trump & The Great Neo-Liberal Freakout of 2017
Boiler Room | BOILER ROOM Gang breaking down Anti-fa assault on Richard Spenser, Trump’s first week in office and the outlandish behavior of the Neo-Liberal left after the nation rejected their identity politics and PC culture.
PROBLEM: Trump vs. The US Intelligence Machine
21WIRE + Consortium News | The battle between President-elect Trump and the US and UK intelligence agencies rages on.
Putin Tells Obama and Western Media: “Either stop talking about it or finally show some kind of proof”
Zero Hedge | Putin’s spokesman speaks out, says: “indecent” of the United States to “groundlessly” accuse Russia of intervention in its elections.
Facebook Partners With Snopes & Other So-Called ‘Fact Checking’ Sites to Burry ‘Fake News’
21WIRE + Business Insider | Facebook is going to start burying so-called ‘fake news’ and hoaxes in the News Feed, the company announced on Thursday, as they edge closer to the ‘Ministry of Truth.’
Spirit Cooking the Election Books: Clinton, Trump & Rosemary’s Baby (Vid)
Jay Dyer | Jamie Hanshaw, author of Operation Culture Creation and Hollywood Mind Control joins Jay Dyer to cover Wikileaks, Spirit Cooking, Abramovic, Hollywood elites and film.
JaysAnalysis: Daniel Spaulding on Classical Nihilism & the Liberal Order
Jay Dyer | Daniel Spaulding of Soul of the East joins me to talk about his many essays, including evangelical nonsense, false teachers and scam artists, and their use by the government apparatus for foreign policy propaganda.
‘To Stop Clinton’: The TOP Reason Americans Will Vote for Trump
21WIRE | A greater percentage of people are willing to vote to stop Hillary than Trump.
Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton: Defensive Realist vs. War Hawk?
21WIRE | How will Trump and Hillary’s foreign policies differ?
Shock to The System: New Poll Says Trump CAN Beat Hillary
21WIRE | The American people are rejecting the political establishment, one candidate at a time.
What’s The Deal With Donald Trump?
21WIRE + CrossTalk | Is he in it to win it?
Top British Political Candidate Caught Trying To Stage Fake Far-Right EDL Demo
21WIRE + Daily Mail | Attempts to stir racial tensions are now being made to try and win votes. Sickening.
Russian Election Chief Rips US Elections and Fraudulent Voting Machines
Russia’s Central Election Commission chief has ranked the American electoral system among the “worst in the world.” One of the main problems with the US electoral system is the lack of transparency, Vladimir Churov argues in an article published in Wednesday’s issue of Rossiyskaya Gazeta. According to US law, international observers from the Organization for […]
Hugo Chavez Defeats Henrique Capriles in Venezuela Election
Juan Forero Washington Post CARACAS, Venezuela — Fighting for his political life, President Hugo Chavez overcame a vigorous challenge by Henrique Capriles in Sunday’s presidential election, receiving another six-year term that will give the populist firebrand the opportunity to complete the consolidation of what he calls 21st century socialism in one of the world’s great […]
RON PAUL 2012: “Beware of the War Propaganda”
Ron Paul is reminding Americans that the lies that led us to war in 2003 with Iraq are being recycled again to prime the pump for a war with Iran in 2012. Our advice: don’t be fooled again. . READ MORE PROPAGANDA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Propaganda Files SUPPORT 21WIRE – SUBSCRIBE & BECOME […]
White House Hires ‘Terminator’ To ‘Squash Negative Stories’ About Obama
Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com May 24, 2011 In a bid to ‘squash negative stories’ about Barack Obama that appear on the Internet, the White House has hired a dedicated propagandist whose role will be to savage people who tell “lies” about the President, in a chilling reminder of how prosecutors threatened people with jail time […]
The Establishment’s War on Ron Paul
Susan Westfall | Ron Paul is simply…not for sale. Lobbyists for special interests have never been able to rent his vote…
Ron Paul Announces Bid for 2012 Presidential Race
US Congressman Ron Paul formally announced his bid for the 2012 Presidential election this week in New Hampshire. Following a surprisingly successful run in 2008, Dr Paul will be riding a wave of support that has seen his grassroots numbers double from four years ago. Listen to his speech below, detailing a list of problems […]