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Trump Rally In Austin TX – Protesters Largely Outnumbered by Trump Supporters

21WIRE | Pro Trump rally in rainy Austin TX: Peaceful Trump supporters greatly outnumber protesters. Brief scuffle over a flag instigated by anti Trump protester caught on video.

Boiler Room #94 – President Trump & The Great Neo-Liberal Freakout of 2017

Boiler Room | BOILER ROOM Gang breaking down Anti-fa assault on Richard Spenser, Trump’s first week in office and the outlandish behavior of the Neo-Liberal left after the nation rejected their identity politics and PC culture.

Extreme Left #DISRUPTJ20 Plot to ‘Acid Bomb’ Inauguration Deploraball

21WIRE + Project Veritas | Hidden camera video exposé from Project Veritas appears to have uncovered extreme left group planning violent protest at Inaugural ball.

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