21WIRE + VentureBeat | Understanding the ‘supply chain’ of new technology is a critical first step.
Pass Me the Twinkies and the AK47: Mainstream Media Lost in a ‘D-Generation’
Andrew McKillop | Today’s brainwashing is more advanced, more complex and many times more dynamic and pervasive than anything that 20th century autocrats could have imagined.
Even Dirtier: NSA Plan to Infect Millions of Computers with ‘Malware Implant’
21WIRE + First Look | The NSA that has nothing to do with the ‘national security’ of the USA, and everything to do with intentionally ruining this present version of the internet.
The Social Grid: ‘Facebook saves the NSA and CIA money’
21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | “The manpower that Facebook saves is huge…”
21WIRE + Mail Online | ‘People are being scrutinised and having their lives tracked, and are not even aware of it.’
THE FIX IS IN: US Supreme Court Blocks Legal Challenges to NSA Phone Tracking
21WIRE + RT | This a very dangerous precedent for the United States of America, with no more check and balances.
Carnegie Mellon University Create Messaging App That NSA Snoops Cannot Hack
21WIRE + CBS Local | CMU’s new SafeSlinger is free on the iTunes store, and Google play store for Android phones.
Snowden Asylum Could Trigger US Sanctions Against Russia
21WIRE + AP | As usual, Lindsey Graham is leading the charge to send America over the cliff of morality and logic.
Obamacare ‘Navigators’ Will Have Unlimited Access to Your Personal Data
21WIRE + Rare | How will your personal information be secure, in an age of abuse?
New Israeli Biometric Database Pilot Scheme
OSNET DAILY | It seems that even Israel is also keen to tag its residents.
Big Brother Has Matured: UK spy center sucks up data from your online social networks
RT | A special police unit has reportedly been scanning what British citizens are posting online in social networks.
VIDEO: The Next Generation of Surveillance
YouTube | AI is now a reality in ‘eye in the sky’ technology and drones.
Facebook in new privacy row over facial recognition feature
Social network turns on new feature to automatically identify people in photos, raising questions about privacy implications of the service – By Charles Arthur Guardian June 8, 2011 Facebook has come under fire for quietly expanding the availability of technology to automatically identify people in photos, renewing concerns about its privacy practices. The feature, which the giant […]
CASHLESS SOCIETY: ‘Facebook Nation’ Unveils Its New Virtual Currency
Patrick Henningsen | Can you Mark Zuckerberg’s laugh echoing in deepest darkest Palo Alto?