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What Are the Risks of a Third World War?

As the post-World War II world order begins to fray at the seems, Western powers may be looking for an opportunities to pull down emerging power blocs like the BRICS, or to contain Russia and China as emerging global super-powers. By undermining nonaligned countries like Syria and Iran, will the old world order powers trigger a new world conflagration? Find out more by reading some of 21WIRE's WWIII archives...

Libya says NATO raids killed 718 civilians (so far)

AFP | NATO: “The Gaddafi regime is finished, he must leave office, he must leave the country”.

Welcome to the Violent World of Mr. Hopey Changey

John Pilger | The NWO installed Obama so that the cynical and the credulous can celebrate state violence in its more palatable form.

Ron Paul: ‘We Are Enabling A Future American Dictatorship’

Steve Watson | The President can now order assassinations – including American citizens, operate secret military tribunals, engage in torture, enforce indefinite imprisonment without due process.

Anatomy of a Murder: How NATO Assassinated Qaddafi Family Members

Cynthia McKinney | How many times must a parent bury a child?


Patrick Henningsen | We are now in the early stages of what appears to be a global escalation phase and it is anyone’s guess how this chess game will unfold.

MIDTERM WARNING: We Are Being Set-up for Another Fake War

21WIRE | Hillary Clinton: the USA’s new War Secretary.

Israeli Aggression: Watch Trailer from “Operation Overreaction”

Mark Fiore | See the Gaza Flotilla action and watch as Israel continues to struggle maintaining healthy relations- with anyone!

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