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What is NATO? What are they up around the world? Read our extensive archive of NATO activity and learn more about this globalist instrument of war...

Syria: Aleppo Doctors Fight Back Against US, NATO False Flags and Terrorism

Proletaren | Aleppo doctors are exposing the media lies supporting US NATO anti Syria propaganda and proxy terrorism

The Inevitable War With Russia? Who’s The Real Aggressor?

21WIRE | There are a lot of voices calling for World War Three.

Weapons and Jihadists For al-Nusra Flowing DAILY From Turkey Into Syria

21WIRE | Russia is telling the world who is responsible for the escalating crisis.

FRANCE STRIKE: ‘The Workers Fight Back’

Gearoid O Colmain | France spontaneously combusts as labour law reforms and extended “state of emergency” ignite nationwide protests and riots

“Syria Solidarity UK” Supporting Al Qaeda and Denying Free Speech

Tim Anderson | Syria scandal as UK Solidarity Group clearly reveal their support of Al Qaeda

NATO and Russia on Collision Course, or Hyperbolic Warmongering?

21WIRE | A certain set of warmongering interests appear to be hyping a conflict with Russia.

Syria: US, NATO Terrorist Suicide Bombers Massacre Civilians in Coastal Towns

Vanessa Beeley | Syria: Huge scale US NATO terrorist suicide bomb attacks devastate coastal residential areas as US refuses to designate Ahrar al Sham a terrorist organisation.

SYRIA: French Academic Exposes Left-Wing Charlatans as Harbingers of Terrorism

Bruno Guigue | French Academic exposes the French left wing as charlatans, supporters of the mythical Syrian “revolution, Zionism and Takfiri terrorism unleashed upon the Syrian people.

NATO Re-Releases Propaganda Video Politicising Ukraine’s Eurovision Winner Jamala

21WIRE | There is something suspicious about NATO re-promoting this video from last year.

New Arms Race Begins: US Launches European Missile Shield in Romania

21WIRE | The vicious circle of re-armament begins.


SUNDAY SCREENING | Our editorial team curates a documentary film for 21WIRE readers.

Henningsen on Aleppo Ceasefire: ‘US Ploy to Buy Time for Terrorist Reinforcements’

Patrick Henningsen | US diplomats in Geneva are providing cover for CIA and Pentagon covert operations on the ground in Syria.

Syria: Challenging the MSF Narratives and Bias in Aleppo

Rick Sterling | Rick Sterling asking the questions that the media has failed to ask MSF regarding their Aleppo hospital narrative.

Aleppo: US NATO False Flags, Lies and Propaganda

Vanessa Beeley | Aleppo callous media disregard for human life and possible US NATO false flag to shore up their terrorist war against Syria.

BREAKING: Huge Numbers of Dead and Wounded as Terrorists Rain Missiles down on Aleppo

Vanessa Beeley | Aleppo is hit by a deluge of missiles from the US NATO terrorist factions, huge numbers of dead and wounded.

SYRIA: #AleppoIsBurning Campaign Created by US and NATO to Facilitate a “No Bomb Zone”

Vanessa Beeley | #AleppoIsBurning campaign is a Soros concept created to facilitate a “No Bomb Zone” in Syria.


SUNDAY SCREENING | This week’s curated documentary film for 21WIRE readers.

Syria: MSF Admits Withholding Syria Hospital Coordinates from Damascus and Moscow

RT | MSF again admit no co-ordination with Syrian Government or Russia and that their hospitals are ‘not legal’ inside Syria.

Syria: The Real US-NATO Creators of Hell in Aleppo

Vanessa Beeley | As the battle to liberate Aleppo from the US NATO proxy occupiers intensifies, the US NATO anti Syria propaganda amplifies.

Syria: Political Reform Defies Critics and Progresses Despite US, NATO Hostility

Kristian Girling | Syrians defend their plurality and secularity with their lives against US and NATO neocolonialism.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue