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Search Results for: economy

Sanctions-Hit Tehran Taking Record Tax Receipts – More Than Oil Revenue

21WIRE + RT | For the first time in 50 years, the government’s share of the oil revenue is less than what it is earning from tax.

America’s ‘Train Wreck’ Middle East Policy Is Now Exposed As Total Fraud

Sean Stinson | So far as Washington’s support for terrorists is concerned, there’s no putting the cat back in the bag.

Volkswagen Meltdown: ‘Time’s Up For The Combustion Engine’ says Tesla CEO Elon Musk

21WIRE | Beyond the normal narrative, there’s a lot more to this story than meets the eye.

All-Out War: Is NATO Preparing For ‘Final Offensive’ In Ukraine?

James Petras | NATO are behind something big in the Ukraine – the west want war, and they want it to happen soon.

Out of the Closet: Israeli Left Finally Facing Up to Racism in The Holy Land

Jonathan Cook | Institutionalized racism lies at the dark heart of Israeli expansionism.

Wedge Becomes a Hammer: Republicans Firm on Govt Shutdown Over Planned Parenthood Funding

21WIRE + Reuters | If no action is taken, funding will run out for “non-essential” agencies and personnel.

Greek Banks might ignore ECB Banksters’ Divisive ‘Bail-in’ Rules

21WIRE + Telegraph | Like Brussels really needs the money – after they’ve just printed it out of thin air.

So Much For The Big Reveal: Fed Leaves Rate Unchanged

21WIRE + Reuters | After so much anticipation…

Cameron’s Fear of Corbyn Is Palpable, As Tories Cry: ‘He’s a threat to national security!’

21WIRE | War-hungry Tories are afraid… very afraid.

Western Worries: China Arrives On The World Stage

21WIRE + CrossTalk | China is ready to take over on nearly all fronts.

David Bowie Face on New Parallel Currency Note Sees ‘Brixton Pound’ Go Viral

21WIRE + Zero Hedge | For the economy to really be in the hands of the people, we need some new options.

Windfall for Wolves: Dow Jones Surges 620 pts, Biggest Day Gain Since 2008

21WIRE | How to get rich quick: wait for the market to crash.

Blood Bath on Wall Street: Massive Sell-Off As Stock Market Plunges, China Blamed

21WIRE + USA TODAY | Panic sell-offs are being driven by fears of China’s economic instability.

Israel Fires Rockets Into Syria, Claims Targets Were ‘Iran-Backed’. Are They Playing With Fire?

Randy Johnson | CAUTION: The Middle East is a veritable “False Flag Grab Bag”.

Ukraine Does A Greece: Fascist State Goes Into Economic Freefall

21WIRE + Sputnik News | The IMF are now planning to ‘restructure’ the Ukraine’s $22.7 billion in new debt.

NATO: A Sick Dinosaur Overdue for Extinction

SARTRE | NATO’s intrusive intervention in the Middle East can ony escalate and broaden the blight.

IT’S OFFICIAL: Greece Joins Africa in IMF Ghetto of ‘Third World’ Nations

Nizar Visram | Thanks to the lords of usury, Greece has now joined Africa as part of the ‘developing’ world.

GREEK BAILOUT: An Act of Treason Against the People

21WIRE + Global Research | What else will Greece face in the wake of a new bailout deal?

SHAKEDOWN: The Great Banking Game of the BIS

Jay Dyer | The engineered debt crisis shock doctrine that controls virtually all nations.

Source of Chaos: Tunisia Shooter Trained in LIBYA

Stuart J. Hooper | We need to solve problems by finding their source.

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