21WIRE + CrossTalk | China is ready to take over on nearly all fronts.
Western Worries: China Arrives On The World Stage
Filed Under: Featured, Financial, International News, Uncategorized Tagged With: China, Economic Crisis, Economy, Global Economy, Political Economy, Rise of China, wall st
State of Denial: The 9/11 ‘Festival of War’
Andrew McKillop | Never mind the blowback of pure hatred against the west that the 9/11 farce generates right across the Muslim world and south Asia. What counts is the official, reassuring and idiot-friendly version of “what really happened” in New York and Washington in Sept 2001.
Filed Under: Andrew McKillop, International News, Uncategorized Tagged With: 911 FILES, bailouts, banks, Barrack Osama, Black Swan, Building 7, festival of war, gamblers, George W, God is our refuge, low interest, Obama bin laden, wall st, WAR ON TERROR