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Windfall for Wolves: Dow Jones Surges 620 pts, Biggest Day Gain Since 2008

21st Century Wire says…

While the mainstream media were busy obsessing over the stock market crash on Monday, 21WIRE calmly (and correctly) informed its readers that the Dow Jones tumble was really poor window dressing for what was really happening behind the scenes – a cash windfall for the Real Wolves of Wall Street. That’s exactly how it played out today, as the Dow Jones surged 620 points, putting it on track for the single largest day gain since 2008.

Amid concerns about how China’s economic woes were dragging down world trading markets, today’s incredible gain turns out to be the 3rd largest in history.

As expected, mainstream pundits are all upbeat. Brian Belski, chief investment strategist at BMO Capital Markets, told USA TODAY, “Fundamentals always defeat fear and emotion.” Belski then added that the fears over China’s slowing economy and the recent price correction were both “normal and overdone.”

Still, investors are cautious, and according to USA TODAY finance, “US stocks are said to be in their first corrective phase (defined as a drop of 10% or more) since 2011. And with the losses piling up, fears of the first bear market since 2009 are on the rise.”

Earlier, the sophmoric Huffington Post got it completely wrong with their gloom and doom report, with the headline, “U.S. STOCKS DROP, ALONG WITH HOPES FOR STABILITY”. They cried, “For most of Tuesday, U.S. stocks looked like they would rebound from a week of China-driven woe after Beijing cut interest rates and flooded its banking system with cash, but the Dow Jones Industrial Average gave up big early gains to tumble 1.3% in the final minutes of trading.”  This kind of negative mainstream reporting feeds into the hands of the wolves, who love any press that might help to keep the market down until they make their move, and dump their shares on way up, cashing-in on their massive gains.

Many believe that low rates have been a major factor in propping up higher stock prices since 2009, and that threats of a Fed rate rise this fall helped to trigger the recent market stumble on Wall Street. Monday’s crash saw the Dow Jones industrial average drop over 1,000 points in a few hours, triggering hundreds of billions of pounds of losses.

Any decent rogue trader will tell you that stock crashes are money-making opportunities. As 21WIRE explained previously, during any ‘flash crash’, that’s where the really big money is made by intelligent rogue traders. Financial guru Alessio Rastani of LeadingTrader.com made this ominous statement in 2012, when he revealed the true secret to Wall Street wealth:

“Personally, I’ve been dreaming of this moment for three years…I go to bed every night and I dream of another recession. When the market crashes… if you know what to do, if you have the right plan set up, you can make a lot of money from this.”

WOLF OF WALL STREET: Rogue trader Jordan Belfort (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) counting his winnings.

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