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Search Results for: economy

DOLLAR BLOW: China Launches New ‘Yuan-Ruble’ Payment Mechanism

21WIRE | How will the West respond to this full-frontal challenge to the dollar’s global reserve status?

MYANMAR: A Confrontation Between China and ‘Political’ Islam

Thierry Meyssan | The American Empire’s new theatre of operations.

Catalan ‘Independence’ – A Tool of Capital Against Labour

Gearoid O Colmain | The European Union is quietly watching as Spain is torn apart.

OpEd: London’s Got it Backwards – Why Uber Should Be on Our Streets

Adam Garrie | Why I’m happy not to be part of this totally out of touch and backward coalition.

The ‘New Cold War’ – A Rehash of Old Rivalries

William Blum | The anti-Russian/anti-Soviet bias in the American media appears to have no limit.

MSM Fake News: How Washington Post Sexed-up its ‘Facebook Russian Bot’ Conspiracy

21WIRE + Consortium News | As journalistic hoaxes go, this is one of the biggest we’ve seen.

Undercutting the Nation State? Chicago Group Suggests ‘Global Cities’ Should Run World Affairs

Mark Anderson | World government, through the ‘back door’.

Response to Haaretz Claims that Syria is Selling Out to Iran

Suliman Mulhem | As pro-government forces continue to rapidly regain captured territory, we will see greater Iran/Syria collaboration.

Trump Bares Himself at UNGA, “In a Kind of Neocon Full Monte”

Robert Parry | Exploding the myth that he is at least a street-smart operator who can’t be easily conned.

The Rogue Regime in Washington Itching for War

Finian Cunningham | The only thing running out is the world’s tolerance for such American belligerence and arrogance.

What a Wonderful World – US Saviour Complex

Bruno Guigue | The collapse of the US empire would be a cause for universal celebration

National Geographic Uses Gaza Footage in “Hell on Earth” Syria Hoax

TruePublica | National Geographic joins throng of propagandists working to promote White Helmets and destabilize Syria.

Tipperary’s White Helmets Peace Prize: A Judas Kiss to the Antiwar Movement and Syria

Patrick Henningsen | Tipperary International Peace Prize is a long, long way from its stated mission. It has become an accomplice to the global war machine, rather than a force against it.

Thomas Sankara: Africa’s Unsung Inspiration

P.D. Lawton | Undoubtedly, this man was a visionary, as much as he was a revolutionary – and his story has been erased from western mainstream media and history books.

Trump Springs the Neocon Trap Again: North Korea’s ‘Test’ is No Act of War

Patrick Henningsen | Here we go again: the Pentagon and the MSM are ramping-up another staged military ‘crisis’ with North Korea.

SUNDAY SCREENING: The Deep State: Hiding in Plain Sight (2014)

SUNDAY SCREENING | This powerful interview segment is a must-see in order to grasp the concept of the Deep State.

What is The Deep State?

Mike Lofgren | Defining the nature and scope of a corporatised, bureaucratic shadow state which rules America and the world, by stealth.

DEIR EZZOR: Last ‘International Terrorist Stronghold on Syrian Soil’ Prepares Defences against SAA Offensive

RT + 2WIRE | ISIS pulls back to Deir Ezzor to prepare for final battle as SAA advances rapidly towards victory

AFGHANISTAN: Trump Surges Into the Graveyard of Empires

21WIRE + Finian Cunningham | Trump’s announcement on Afghanistan reveals something about his administration. But whether he’s directing the agenda or not, Trump remains accountable.

AVAAZ: The Pygmalion Virus in Three Acts – Act Two

WKOG | Jeans yesterday…faux environmentalism today – both in servitude to capital

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