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Taliban Leader Claims They Control ‘Over Half’ of Afghanistan

21WIRE + Southfront | Are we meant to believe that all of this is supposed to fixed by a ‘troop surge’?

Why is the Zionist Project Floundering and Netanyahu Panicking?

Alastair Crooke | The reason for Netanyahu’s panic

What is The Deep State?

Mike Lofgren | Defining the nature and scope of a corporatised, bureaucratic shadow state which rules America and the world, by stealth.

Watch as Assad Destroys US Reporter Michael Isikoff in Interview

21WIRE | As interviews go, this was certainly one of the low water marks in US media history.

(VIDEO) For the Love of Winston Smith, “Let The Truth Be Told”

Rebekah Johnson | Propaganda puppets are lying to the public and suppressing the truth to further their agenda.

Zakharova: ‘Rebels’ Preparing Chemical False Flag Attack in Daraa, Syria

21WIRE | A new false flag operation may have been pre-empted this week.

Boiler Room EP #124 – Weather Warfare & CNN Goblin Pits

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer and Andy Nowicki analyzing weather modification topics in the wake of Hurricane Harvey and more.

WHITE HELMETS: The Jib-Al-Qubeh War Crime in Aleppo, Denied by Channel 4

Vanessa Beeley | Another White Helmet propaganda heist exposed by Syrian civilians in Aleppo.

President Assad and the Syrian Armed Forces have Shaken US Hegemony to the Core

Thierry Meyssan | In this iron era, the Assad strategy alone allows us to stand tall and free

SYRIA: The Axis of Resistance Reduces Zionist Entity to a Quivering Wreck

Dr Shaaban | ‘History will also reveal the truth behind the events we experienced in the past few years’

DEIR EZZOR: Last ‘International Terrorist Stronghold on Syrian Soil’ Prepares Defences against SAA Offensive

RT + 2WIRE | ISIS pulls back to Deir Ezzor to prepare for final battle as SAA advances rapidly towards victory

Will Reconciliation Work in Syria? Trendstorm Talks to Steven Sahiounie and Jamila Assi

Trendstorm | Syria’s reconciliation proposal is risky, and may not work – but most players are moving ahead regardless.

McCain’s Mad World and The Cancer of Conflict

21WIRE | We break down all the reasons why we think it’s time for McCain to retire.

SYRIA: The Raqqa “Moonscape” as US Coalition Bombs Civilians and Reduces City to Dust

Stephen Lendman | Washington wants control over northern Syria and whatever other territory it can grab

SYRIA WAR DIARY: Terrorists, Thieves and Thugs, Reality of Life Under “Moderate Rebel” Occupation

Eva Bartlett | Western corporate media are guilty of some of the worst war propaganda in history.

Boiler Room EP #123 – Right vs. Left, Jerry Springer Style

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Patrick Henningsen, Daniel Spaulding, FunkSoul and Randy J discuss the continuing fallout from Charlottesville, then wrap up by touching on Trump’s Afghanistan speech and last week’s Barcelona attack.

YEMEN: Second Saudi Coalition Massacre in 48 Hours as US/UK Fuelled War of Aggression Continues

Geopolitics Alert | The Saudi coalition genocidal war of aggression claims more victims in besieged Yemen

Liberal Imperium: Quigley’s Anglo-American Establishment – Jay Dyer (half)

Jay Dyer | “The great idealistic adventure which began with Arnold Toynbee and Lord Alfred Milner in 1875 had slowly ground its way to a finish of bitterness and ashes.” -Quigley

SYRIA, NORTH KOREA: Trump’s “Axis of Evil” is Bigger and Better than the George Bush Version

Whitney Webb | Under Trump, the “axis of evil” is having a resurgence

AFGHANISTAN: Trump Surges Into the Graveyard of Empires

21WIRE + Finian Cunningham | Trump’s announcement on Afghanistan reveals something about his administration. But whether he’s directing the agenda or not, Trump remains accountable.

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