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Watch as Assad Destroys US Reporter Michael Isikoff in Interview

21st Century Wire says…

After 7 years of systematic and pathological lying, and fabricating thousands of fraudulent news reports about Syria, by now it’s widely understood that US and UK media have now lost all credibility by now. Even since the defeat of the western-backed terrorist occupation of East Aleppo in December 2016, western corporate media outlets dispatched various trained gatekeepers and deep state stenographers in an attempt to try and rescue many of their legacy narratives, all of which have since collapsed after most western and Gulf-backed terrorists have fled their strongholds – while leaving volumes of damning evidence behind in the process. 

With that in mind, we thought it poignant then to re-air this timeless exhibit – a breathtaking display of US propaganda gone array, where Yahoo! News reporter Michael Isikoff become mired in his own web of disinformation and official conspiracy theories, as he tries to deliver a series of canned talking points (straight off of the CNN and CIA briefing sheet) in yet another vain attempt to defame and demonize Syrian President Bashar al-Assad at the Presidential Palace in Damascus. In this embarrassing exchange, Isikoff tries on a series of contrived ‘reports’ concocted by Amnesty International and the FBI, and even alludes to the widely discredited ‘Caesar Photos’ hoax, amid a sustained barrage of ‘human rights’ virtue signalling, all while accusing Assad of numerous “war crimes.”

As interviews go, this was certainly one of the low water marks in US media history. Watch:


See the full Yahoo! News report which aired on February 10, 2017 here.

 21st Century Wire Syria Files




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