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Trump Stokes Korea Crisis As Cover for Trade War with China

Finian Cunningham | Trump’s attitude seems to be «never mind the collateral damage of a possible nuclear war»

INTERVIEW: Did the ‘Alt Right’ Die in Charlottesville?

21WIRE + Sputnik Radio | ‘The Alt Right may never recover from the events of this weekend.’

SYRIA: President Bashar Al Assad’s Full Speech to Journalist Union in Damascus 2006

Syria Times | “In the final analysis, that the world does not care about our interests and rights except when we are powerful.”

SYRIANS ARE GOING HOME: Western Backed Terrorists Brought Nothing but Weariness, Poverty, Death and Loneliness

Vanessa Beeley | Refugees are returning to Syria to rebuild, after the neocons failed to destablize their homeland

Turkey Reversing on Syria – Will End of Support for Syrian Rebels as ‘Goodwill Towards Damascus’

21WIRE | This is a potentially incredible breakthrough in the painful 7 year-long Syrian conflict.

Amnesty International: Pernicious Liars and Empire’s Little Helpers

Tortilla con Sal | The destructive, catastrophic effects of Amnesty International’s role in supporting neocolonialism

The Killing Fields of Australia – Racism and Routine Ethnic Cleansing

Chris Graham | The systematic persecution of the Aboriginal communities in Australia

North Korea: Will World War III Kick Off This Week?

Neil Clark | History of US attacks on “defenceless” nations, explains North Korea’s refusal to surrender nuclear deterrents

China Indicates That it Will Defend North Korea in Event of ‘US Invasion’

Alexander Mercouris | If US attacks North Korea – either as part of some ‘pre-emptive’ strategy or in order to achieve regime change there, China will come to North Korea’s defence.

NEW ON 21WIRE.TV – INSIGHT: NATO Nudging The Balkans to War

21WIRE.TV | A comprehensive look at how NATO and Soros are pushing the Europe and Russia towards war.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The War on Democracy’ (2007)

SUNDAY SCREENING | For 20 years, the CIA has waged a covert war against the country of Venezuela.

Episode #198 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Hybrid War in America’ with Andy Nowicki, Randy J, Basil Valentine and Guests

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Charlottesville: Far Left vs Far Right Clashes, With One Person Dead

Patrick Henningsen | Polarizing political clash has sparked massive speculation about what actually happened.

Trump Isn’t Going to Invade Venezuela, But What US is Planning Could Be Much Worse

Andrew Korybko | It’s clear the US are actively working to overthrow the gov’t in Caracas, but it’s still not clear whether or not they will succeed.

Boiler Room – #UniteTheRight Coverage with Hesher, Andy Nowicki, Patrick Henningsen, FunkS0ul & Randy J

Alternate Current Radio | Special broadcast covering the #UniteTheRight Rally live with Andy Nowicki in VA plus Patrick Henningsen with analysis on the cars that hit pedestrians.

North Korea and The Unintended Consequences of Trump

Patrick Henningsen | The level of political inertia for war is frankly disturbing.

Familiar Pattern: The West’s Marginalization of Venezuela

Daniel Margrain | The western media’s characterization of Venezuela’s president Maduro as a dictator, follows a familiar pattern.

Google is the Engine of Censorship

21WIRE | Critics believe the company is now playing god over the info-sphere.

Trump Thanks Putin for Slashing US Embassy Staff: ‘It Cut Our Payroll’

21WIRE | Trump winds-up the media again this week, playing the counter meme game from his golf club.

Boiler Room EP #121 – Google vs The Red Pill & The Great Witch Hunt

Alternate Current Radio | American swamp politics, Russian witch hunts, Ranchers on trial and Red Pill employees being discriminated against at Google.

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