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SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Mi Amigo Hugo’ (2017)

SUNDAY SCREENING | This unique film depicts Chavez in the years preceding his death, and the subsequent crash in global oil prices.

Episode #266 – ‘Groundhog Politics’ guests Teodrose Fikre, Vanessa Beeley

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Rachel Maddow Has Lost the Plot: ‘Russia Will Make Americans Freeze to Death’

21WIRE | Tragically, the MSNBC host has permanently retreated into her own private fantasy land of imaginary Russian plots.

GILETS JAUNES: Macron’s State-Sanctioned Violence against Civilians is Condemned by Doctors and Human Rights Groups

Vanessa Beeley | French Interior Minister defies concerns of medical community and Human Rights Defenders and persists in use of “sub-lethal” weapons.

Are Silicon Valley Elites’ ‘Big Ideas’ Really for the Masses, or Just for Them?

21WIRE | Elite virtue signally cannot escape one age-old tenet of human society: If you want the best, you have to be able to afford the best.

Why Jeremy Hunt’s Support for Venezuela’s Self-declared President Must be Rejected

Nina Cross | In a parliamentary debate on Venezuela UK Minister of Americas Alan Duncan promotes intervention and refuses to address consequences.

France, Germany, UK Launch a New ‘Non-Dollar’ Mechanism to Trade with Iran, But Will it Work?

Patrick Henningsen | If Brussels and its member states are unable to pursue a foreign policy independent of Washington’s, then it’s another nail in the coffin of the European Project.

Updated Syria Briefing from Peter Ford: US Withdrawal, Safe Zones, Sanctions, Idlib, ISIS & Israel

GNS | Updated situational briefing from the former British Ambassador to Syria.

Turkey and Russia in Syria: From the National Pact to the Adana Agreement

Dr. Can Erimtan | Here are the in’s and out’s of creating a security buffer zone along the Syrian and Turkish border.

WATCH: Londoners Protest UK Government’s Regime Change Policy on Venezuela

Robert Inlakesh | Taking to the streets of London and speaking with Venezuelan protesters.

GILETS JAUNES: Civilians in Police Crosshairs as Macron Adopts Totalitarian State-Practices to Suppress Dissent

Vanessa Beeley | France has been turned into a battlefield, security forces deploying disproportionate force against unarmed civilians.

Hezbollah Leader’s Three-Hour Live Interview Challenges Israeli, World Intelligence Services

Elijah J. Magnier | Hezbollah demonstrates how it’s competing in the battle of intelligence and technology.

Trump Administration Lifts Sanctions on Rusal, US Congress Not Impressed

21WIRE + Antiwar.com | ‘Russiagaters’ in the U.S. Congress are not impressed.

Episode #265 – ‘Globalist Coup d’Grâce?’ hosts Basil Valentine, Mike Robinson, guest Vanessa Beeley

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

SKRIPAL: The Nurse’s Tale Makes a Mockery of UK State-Media “Poisoning” Narrative

David Macilwain | There must be a public enquiry into this monstrous crime against humanity.

Ron Paul & Alan Grayson Weigh in on Crisis in Venezuela

21WIRE | Analyzing the current turmoil in Venezuela and whether it amounts to sensible policy by Washington DC.

How the Clean Up the Pacific Ocean

Boyan Slat | A new system which works with ocean currents to capture the growing pool of macro and micro plastics floating on the ocean surface.

Russiagate Farce: FBI Brings CNN Camera Crew to Film 3am Arrest of Roger Stone

21WIRE | Many believe the arrest is a last desperate attempt by Mueller to salvage any credibility from an investigation which has taken 2.5 years and cost $30 million – but has produced no evidence.

LISTEN: Mark Anderson Interviews Cliven Bundy on STOP THE PRESSES! Radio

Mark Anderson | The gentleman of the West explains his principles.

LAVROV: ‘You Don’t Need Mueller to Know Who’s Interfering in Venezuelan Elections’

21WIRE | The Russian foreign minister trolls Washington by holding a mirror up to its latest regime change exploits in South America.

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