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WATCH: Londoners Protest UK Government’s Regime Change Policy on Venezuela

Journalist Robert Inlakesh reported live from the streets of London earlier this week, covering a protest against the U.K. Government’s ‘Trump train’ support of regime change on Venezuela.

Protesters on the streets of London late afternoon Monday. Protests like these aren't covered by the MSM.
Protesters marched on the streets of London in the late afternoon on Monday. Protests like these aren’t covered by the mainstream press.

During this captivating 13-minute video, Inlakesh speaks with some of the Venezuelan protesters to get their candid views on the current crisis unfolding in their home country. The people gathered at this demonstration are in clear opposition to the regime change tactics used by foreign powers on oil-rich nations like Venezuela. Watch:

READ MORE VENEZUELA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Venezuela Files




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