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Europe News Archive

REVEALED: Germany’s Involvement in Military Biological Programs in Ukraine

Freddie Ponton | Much has been made of the Pentagon’s role in Ukraine’s biolabs, while Germany’s part has remained hidden, until now.

Lavrov: ‘Ukraine Invasion Means the End of US Dominance’

Moscow Times | Has this geopolitical event signaled the end of the old world order? 

French Polls Show Show Marine Le Pen Surging Towards Incumbent Macron

21WIRE | Macron is struggling to make headway in campaign, and may be looking at the defeat in the upcoming election.

EU: Banning Russian Gas is Not Possible Due to Hungary’s Veto

21WIRE | EU foreign policy chief has now ruled out a total ban on Russian gas and oil.

Hungary’s Viktor Orban Wins in Landmark Election

21WIRE | Orban wins again, despite being attacked by mainstream media, international left, Soros, and even Zelensky.

McKinseyGate: France’s Shadow Government and the Rise of the Corporate State

Freddie Ponton | A silent coup d’état has taken place in the heart of Europe, and the implications are global in nature.

Belfast Solicitors Challenge OFCOM Ban of RT in the United Kingdom

Fra Hughes | The message is clear: we the people have a right to discern the truth and not to be spoon-fed propaganda.

Brutal Russian Invasion of Ukraine? Russians Were Welcomed as Liberators in City of Henichesk

Sonja Van den Ende | Residents: ‘Since the coup d’état of 2014, the economy of Ukraine has become very bad.’

VIDEO: Russian Humanitarian Aid Mission in Ukraine

Graham Phillips | Independent media documents a Russian humanitarian aid mission in the town of Gorsk.

Message to Sky News: London Is No Freer Than Moscow

Dr Vernon Coleman | Why won’t the western media also raise the alarm about how the truth has been systematically suppressed in Western cities around the world?

Witnesses: Ukraine Forces Preventing Civilians Leaving Mariupol Through Humanitarian Corridors

21WIRE | Shocking witness accounts of Ukraine forces using residents as human shields.

Desperate Ukraine Navy Lay Mines in Black Sea ‘Which May Drift to Bosphorus, Mediterranean’

21WIRE | Ukraine’s use of both land and sea mines is causing more problems, some of which stretch beyond the conflict zone.

The Economics of a ‘World at War’

Alastair Crooke | So what motivated Europe’s zeal to join in this ‘war’?

Analysis of Nazi Movement in Ukraine

21WIRE | What is the true scale and scope of the Nazi problem in Ukraine?

British MSM: ‘Help Beat Putin By Taking Cold Showers’

21WIRE | As the West continues to suffer from debilitating inflation, the need for a scapegoat will only grow.

Witness Exposes Ukrainian Army False Flag Operation in Donbass

Patrick Lancaster | Brazen war crimes, carried out by NATO-backed Ukrainian military units.

Beyond McCarthyism: Cancel Culture Cancels Culture – ‘Ban All Things Russian’

21WIRE | Suddenly, the Western world is triggered by all things Russian, but is this now becoming a globalized form of bigotry?

Racism Thrives in Liberal Western Europe and Ukraine

Steven Sahiounie | These incidents have laid bare the systemic cultural bigotry which still dominates large enclaves in Ukrainian politics and society.

INTERVIEW: Ex-Russian MP Explains What Has Led to Ukraine Conflict

Going Underground | Valuable historical and political perspective to help understand the roots of the current conflict.

UKC News: ‘Democracy Good! Russia Bad!’

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.

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