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Ian R. Crane: ‘The Mother Frackers just got seriously SPANKED!’

Ian R. Crane | Anti-fracking activist is highly optimistic after yesterday’s UK push back on Third Energy.

Fracking Buffoonery: Greg Clark ‘Balls It’ in Kirby Misperton, Rumours of Boris as Replacement

21WIRE + Ian R Crane | An update on the fracking situation in Kirby Misperton, and other nightmare scenarios.

With All Our Gadgets, Americans’ Electricity Use is Down

Redcode | Our numerous gadgets are all getting more efficient, so they’re less of a drain on residential electric bills.

Oil Price Drop: Who Will Feel the Pinch?

21WIRE | Time will tell who the winners and losers are, but one thing is certain in 2016 – someone is going to feel the pinch somewhere.

Episode #102 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Requiem For A Pipeline’ with guests Ian R. Crane, F. William Engdahl and Basil Valentine

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Tapping the Sacred Knowledge of Vibration and Its Powerful Connection to Human Emotions

21WIRE + David Icke | Ancient cultures and societies knew about this quality – found in water.

Power Beyond Scrutiny: Texas Governor Abbott To Make Local Bans on Fracking Illegal

21WIRE + RT | Fascism is where big corporate and big government interests meet. Welcome to Texas…

Recent Ohio Nuclear Plant Shutdown Is Tip of Much Bigger ‘Radioactive Iceberg’

Patrick Henningsen | By ignoring the basics of engineering science – the nuclear industry may be putting us all at risk.

US Desperate to Steer Greece Away From Russian-Turkish Pipeline Project

Patrick Henningsen | The US and Russia are currently locked in a battle for regional energy dominance in Europe.

Official: US Government Confirms That Fracking Is Causing Earthquakes in Oklahoma

21WIRE | Fracking has now been proven to be a most dangerous failure.

Washington’s ‘War of Hot Air’ Can’t Sink the Russian Economy

Leonid Bershidsky | Bashing the Russian economy has lately become a popular pastime, but it’s mostly pure fantasy.

Corporate State: Ohio Court Takes Away Local Power to Ban Fracking

Common Dreams | Another bought-and-paid-for corrupt Judge rules in favor of the corporate mafia.

Russia To Build Entire Nuclear Industry in Egypt

21WIRE + RT | The West has been floundering trying to ‘isolate’ the Russians, but their dealings with other developing countries just keep growing.

Scientific Scam: Temperature Data “Adjusted” To Push Global Warming Lies

21WIRE + The Telegraph | The scandals just keep coming for the now discredited and decaying ‘science’ behind climate change.

Cornhusker Option: How Nebraska Citizens Took Control of Their Energy Grid

21WIRE + Alternet | The people took the energy out of corporate hands and made it affordable for everyone.

Saudi Arabia: King Abdullah Dies – Time For Revolution?

Stuart J. Hooper + RT | Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz has died and negative geopolitical realities mean change may be on the horizon.

How Big Banks Conspire With Big Oil To Manipulate Currency and Commodity Markets

Washington’s Blog | Until Wall Street executives are finally thrown in jail, the criminality and blatant manipulation will grow and spread and metastasize.

Peace On Earth and Goodwill to All Men (Well, Not Quite)

Andrew McKillop | A time for pondering what is, what could be, and who we need to absolutely get rid of in 2015.

Putin Snookers Nuland, Delivers Russian Gas to Kiev for Winter

21WIRE + RT | Ukrainian energy firm transfers money to Russia, to pay for its delivery of winter gas.

HAUNTING: Rare Chernobyl drone footage reveals true devastation in Pripyat

RT | “Walking through those buildings and seeing the children’s toys on the floor. Seeing the children’s beds where they napped was striking”.

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