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Armed Man Posing as Federal Agent Arrested at RFK Jr. Event in LA – After Secret Service Protection Denied

21WIRE | Despite this, President Biden’s office still will not allow his Democrat competitor Secret Service protection.

Like Nixon, Biden Will Be Shown the Exit Door to Pennsylvania Ave

21WIRE | Carlson drops a couple of major bombshells in this stunning monologue.

Revealed: The CIA’s Direct Involvement in the Assassination of JFK

21WIRE | Is Biden and the Deep State orchestrating another classic limited hangout operation?

The FBI’s Dark Secret: Did J. Edgar Hoover Order the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr?

CovertAction | It’s been well over half a century since the assassination took place, and the US government is still afraid to revisit what may be one of the greatest false flags of all time.

With the Clinton Brand Now Discredited, Is It Time to Reopen the Vince Foster Investigation?

Covert Action Magazine | A groundbreaking investigation into one of America’s most notorious political assassinations and its grave implications.

Stephen Kinzer Retrospective: 100 Years of the U.S. Overthrowing Governments

Film Archives | Undoubtedly, a unique brand of pragmatic noninterventionist activism and journalism.

RFK Jr. Talks with Ron Paul: ‘Do Not Trust the Medical or National Security Establishment’

Liberty Report | Stunning interview which lifts the lid on some of the most stunning controversies of our time.

Kennedy & King Family Members, Advisors Call for Congress to Reopen Assassination Probes

Truth and Reconciliation Committee | Joint statement calls for Congress to establish firm oversight on release of all government documents related to the Kennedy presidency, his assassination, and other slain icons.

RFK Jr Reveals New Evidence of Possible CIA Involvement in JFK Assassination

21WIRE | New Revelations about the disturbing signs which led to the killings of both JFK and RFK.

CLOAKED IN CONSPIRACY: Overview of JFK Files Reopens Door to Coup d’état Claims & Cold War Era False Flag Terror

Shawn Helton | The murky backdrop of JFK’s assassination uncovered links between both organized crime and US intelligence.

Was Gaddafi Right About JFK?

21WIRE | His conclusion as shocking as it was orphic.

WHITE WASHED? Trump Claims Classified JFK Files Will Be Released, Reigniting Conspiracy Suspicions

Shawn Helton | Will any new details be released in the JFK saga?


Shawn Helton | Natural Born Killers explores the destructive trauma-based propaganda that drives the American media complex.

Episode #92 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Diamonds Are Forever’ with host Basil Valentine, guests Jay Dyer, Peter Sterry

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Vikings Revenge: Iceland Takes Back Power To Create Its Own Money

21WIRE + Automatic Earth | Who knew that the revolution would start on this small island Nordic nation.

‘Conspiracy Reality’ Seminar at Conscious Life Expo

Conscious Life Expo | Taking you behind the scenes of world events, politics, ‘official’ news stories – revealing the secret agendas behind some of the world changing incidents in history.

CIA and The Mafia: Old Business Pals

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | Before the revolution, Cuba was an offshore playground for both the CIA and the Mafia. That was just the beginning…

The Kennedys vs The CIA: 1961 to Now

Brasscheck TV | Until today, the Kennedys are still battling the CIA machine.

Why Americans Are Still Stuck on The Oswald ‘Lone Gunman’ Narrative

21WIRE + Story Leak | Why are Americans so married to the lone gunman explanation to this and other high-profile murders?

‘Expert Witness’ Believes Sandy Hook Was Cover-Up

21WIRE + Washington’s Blog | New evidence and questions are beginning to emerge that could rip this event wide open.

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