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INTERVIEW: C.J. Hopkins – ‘New Normal Authoritarianism’

SUNDAY WIRE | When authoritarianism and naked tyranny become the ‘new normal’.

INTERVIEW: Niall McCrae – Back Again: ‘Covid Groundhog Day’

TNT Radio | Why is the Western establishment ramping up the COVID-19 hysteria now?

INTERVIEW: Steve Falconer & Basil Valentine – ‘Viruses & Unicorns’

TNT Radio | The forbidden conversation: germ theory vs. terrain theory.

INTERVIEW: Niall McCrae – Don’t Fall For The ‘Lab Leak’ Trap

TNT Radio | The Wuhan lab leak – a perfect trap orchestrated by psychopathic geniuses.

INTERVIEW: Jacqui Deevoy – Midazolam and Euthanasia, Disguised as ‘Covid Protocols’

TNT Radio | Euthanasia in British hospitals, hospices and care facilities – all under the disguise of ‘Covid Protocols.’

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – The ‘One Health’ Path to Global Tyranny (3 Part Series)

TNT Radio | Breaking down the One Health approach: from origins, to inception and adoption.

INTERVIEW: Dr. Andrew Kaufman – Dubious Science & ‘The Genomic Deception’

ACR Radio | Unpacking the fundamental problems with the official pandemic narrative.

INTERVIEW: Phil Zimmerman on the Double Standards in MSM & Vaxx Aftermath

TNT Radio | A rather dry take on the insane aftermath of the vaxx roll-out.

“Das Infektionsschutzgesetz!” – The Germans Are Back!

C.J. Hopkins | Narratives and symbols may change, but in the end, totalitarianism is totalitarianism.

COVID 19: Mounting Evidence of International Fraud

Iain Davis | All measures taken to combat this deadly virus have proven to be at best grossly misguided, and at worst criminally negligent.

‘New COVID Vaccine Should Be Avoided At All Cost’

Principa Scientific | This latest corporate ‘miracle’ vaccine is highly problematic in terms of health, morality and ethics.

UKC News: US Election Madness, UK Lockdown and Great Reset Agenda

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.

Missouri Woman Sues City Over ‘Unconstitutional’ Mask Ordinance

21WIRE | Could this be the start of serious pushback from the public in response to mandatory masks?

Prof Carl Heneghan: ‘Can We Trust the Gov’t COVID Death Numbers?’

UnHerd | Incredibly, Public Health England has been caught ‘double counting’ its COVID19 daily death totals.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue