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21WIRE's archive of one of the most under-reported areas of Middle East geopolitics, and yet one of the most crucial in terms of charting the future of the region. Here you will find in-depth and timely analysis not found anywhere else.

A Brave New World: New Cold War Hysteria and a Chinese Century

Dr. Can Erimtan | The future geopolitical landscape is taking shape right before our eyes.

INTERVIEW: Peter Ford on UK Warmongering in Ukraine and Turkey’s Tricky Moves

TNT Radio | Discussing the UK’s new strident pro-war posture against Russia and China.

Erdoğan, Atatürk and Abdülhamid: Turkey’s Past, Present and Future

Dr Can Erimtan | Behold: the final steps in the transformation of Turkey into an Islamic nation state.

Turkey Drops Its Objection to Sweden and Finland’s NATO Membership

21WIRE | What did the western powers do to twist Turkey’s arm to reverse its position?

As Turkey Struggles, The Sultan is Up to His Old Tricks

Arnaud Devaley | An unstable Turkey is a dangerous Turkey. Ditto for its stumbling leader.

Erdogan Angers Biden Over NATO Drive to Absorb Sweden and Finland

Steven Sahiounie | It’s becoming clear that the West are hesitant to let go of their Kurdish ‘freedom fighters’.

Sweden and Finland on the Rocks: Turkey Reveals Its List of Demands to NATO

21WIRE | NATO nations will have to work hard to twist Turkey’s arm on this one.

Erdogan’s Dervish: Turkey Pivots Again, Ready to Face-off With Russia in Syria

Steven Sahiounie | What we all expected, but hoped wouldn’t happen: Turkey seems to be shifting position once again.

Desperate Ukraine Navy Lay Mines in Black Sea ‘Which May Drift to Bosphorus, Mediterranean’

21WIRE | Ukraine’s use of both land and sea mines is causing more problems, some of which stretch beyond the conflict zone.

INTERVIEW: Vanessa Beeley on Biden’s ‘ISIS Reboot’ in Syria

TNT Radio | Will the US continue to use the terrorist confab as a cudgel to destabilize Syria

Stephen Kinzer Retrospective: 100 Years of the U.S. Overthrowing Governments

Film Archives | Undoubtedly, a unique brand of pragmatic noninterventionist activism and journalism.

Syria and Russia Launch Joint Bombing Operation Against Turkish-backed Militants in Idlib

21WIRE + The Cradle | Is this a prelude to the ‘final push’ that Damascus has been seeking for so long? 

Pulling Out of the Istanbul Convention: Women’s Rights and Homosexuality in the New Turkey

Dr. Can Erimtan | This latest move looks to undermine the legacy of Atatürk and the promotion of women’s rights – as a prelude to a full-blown Islamic state.

New Turkey’s Agenda 2023: The End of the Republic and the Return of Sharia Law

Dr. Can Erimtan | As the country continues its radical transformation from secular state to a religious one, Erdogan uses symbolic, fundamental themes to sculpt the New Turkey identity.

Nagorno-Karabakh: The Aftermath of the Attack on Artsakh

Dr Can Erimtan | Turkey continues it’s NeoOttoman revival, subsuming its new satellite client Azerbaijan into it’s territorial orbit.

Fighting Over a Soviet Legacy: Nagorno-Karabakh

Dr Can Erimtan | The ‘frozen’ conflict which finally thawed, and with a bitter ending for the Armenians. Once again, money talks.

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus & Ukraine – The Slow Motion Collapse of Soviet Union

Paul Robinson | There are multiple underlying reasons for the conflict and strife we are seeing – most of which is beyond the scope of mainstream coverage.

Cartalucci: America’s Broken Syria Project

Tony Cartalucci | America’s foreign policy has fully revealed itself to be a global engine of instability – costing enemies and allies alike.

A Good Friday in the New Turkey: ‘It’s a Gas-Gas-Gas’

Dr Can Erimtan | Is Turkey really going to action its domestic energy ambitions, or is it just another election ruse?

The Re-Conversion of the Ayasofya: Starting the Countdown to 2023

Dr. Can Erimtan | Make no mistake: this is one of Erdogan’s final set-pieces in transitioning away from its former secular republic, and into a new, more Islamist State.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue