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Ex-MI6 Chief: ‘Torture Works’

21st Century Wire says…

Many people are starting to ask serious questions about intelligence agencies. Statements like this are only legitimizing those questions.

The ex-chief of Britain’s MI6, Sir John Sawers, has said that torturing suspects leads to “useful information”. This comes hot off the heels of warnings saying that ‘MI6’s use of torture directly contributed to the radicalization of the Woolwich killer Michael Adebolajo, and Mohammed Emwazi akaJihadi John’.

Sir John Sawers is smiling, but countless innocent victims of torture certainly aren’t.

Basic common sense should tell you that torture cannot work to provide credible information – someone could say literally anything to stop their own personal suffering. However, if you are looking for solid proof that torture does not work, why not consult a U.S. Senate report that also came this conclusion or take a look at a scientific analysis explaining the neuroscience behind why torture does not work.

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‘Torturing terror suspects produces useful intelligence’ – ex-MI6 director


Intelligence thought to have been derived by torture in Saudi Arabia helped to foil a terror attack on UK soil, it has emerged.

Reflecting on the revelation, the ex-head of MI6 said torturing terror suspects produces “useful information.”

In his first interview since stepping down as MI6 chief, Sir John Sawers made the controversial statement to the BBC.

He said UK security services refrain from engaging in torture because it breaches British values. But he argued torture can be effective in the short term…

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READ MORE TORTURE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Torture Files



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