Zero Hedge | Is it really dusk for the petrodollar, and dawn for the petroyuan?
The world is changing, and so it the Middle East. The Gulf monarchies are also going through a transition phase - led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, led by its mercurial leader Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman (MBS), who is now pursuing strategic relations with not only the U.S., but also Russia, China and the BRICS nations. Meanwhile, Saudi is slowly reducing its oil trades in U.S. dollars. Watch as the region begins to move...
Democrats to Sanction Saudis for Not Playing Ball on Biden’s Midterm OPEC Election Stunt
21WIRE | Democrats are now doubling down on Biden’s desperate electioneering stunt.
Will the War in Ukraine Bring Peace to Yemen?
Fra Hughes | As Washington gets more desperate at home and in Ukraine, relations between Saudi Arabia and Yemen may yet improve.
Biden Threatens Saudis for Not Pumping More Oil Ahead of US Midterm Elections
21WIRE | This unprecedented move will no doubt have negative consequences for US interests in the Middle East.
Yemen and Ukraine: A Tale of Two Wars
Fra Hughes | Two very distinct wars, both with their origins in people fighting to free themselves from corrupt government and foreign control.
What Does International Quds Day Mean for Palestine and the World?
PressTV | Iran rallies support for the Palestinian cause, in opposition to Israel’s ongoing illegal occupation of the Holy Land.
BREAKING: Saudi Coalition Announces Cessation of Military Operations in Yemen
21WIRE | The surprise announcement could mark the end of a brutal 7-year campaign led by the Kingdom against its neighbour.
Gulf States Defy Biden with Assad Visit and Relations With Russia
Steven Sahiounie | Undoubtedly, this is causing panic in Washington and London.
Saudi Beheads 81 Citizens in a Single Day, Then Deploys Security Forces to Quell Protests
21WIRE | Rights groups are no longer convinced of claims by bin Salman that the country was overhauling its justice system to limit use of the death penalty.
Biden Rejected By Saudis, UAE As He Tries to Replace Banned Russian Oil
21WIRE | The Gulf states are trying to squeeze Biden, as US-led sanctions against Russia begin to backfire badly.
The Problem with Dubai
Censored Blunder | This might just be the world’s biggest-ever pink elephant, and here’s why.
Saudi-US Coalition Faces Defeat as Yemeni Resistance Prepare to Retake Marib
21WIRE + The Cradle | Who controls Marib will control all of Yemen, as well as the world’s most strategic waterways. No wonder the US and Saudi are panicking.
Middle East Report: Liberating Marib and Trouble for US, Israel in Erbil
Mideastream | An update on key developments regarding events in Yemen, Iran and Iraq.
ANALYSIS: Saudi’s Failing Gambit in Yemen, Lebanon’s Economic Collapse
Middle East Stream | After six years of a brutal on Yemen, the Saudi ceasefire appears to be nothing short of a joke.
MBS: White House Makes False Claim That ‘US Does Not Sanction World Leaders’ | Psaki ‘circles back’ after getting fact-checked by CNN.
Yemen Fights Back: Marwa Osman Speaks with Patrick Henningsen
MideaStream | An update on the situations in Yemen and Bahrain.
UN Report: 233,000 Yemenis Dead After 6-Year Saudi-US Coalition Bombings
21WIRE | A ‘grim milestone’ still largely ignored.
US Troop Drawdown in Iraq: Strategic Shift, or Shrewd Election Move?
Mideast Stream | Is this an earnest rethink of US policy, or is it Trump merely fulfilling an old election pledge?
Under Cover of COVID, US Diplomats Leaving Saudi Arabia, Expecting ‘Surprises’ from Yemen
21WIRE + South Front | Coronavirus may well provide a face-saving exit for a faltering Saudi-American alliance in Yemen.
Why U.S. Wars in the Middle East Are Far from Over
Tony Cartalucci | Despite its current lull in activity and influence, Washington has no intention of abandoning its agenda of hegemony in the region.