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UN Report: 233,000 Yemenis Dead After 6-Year Saudi-US Coalition Bombings


The War on Yemen continues to be very much a ‘forgotten war’ – six years on from when the United States-Saudi Arabia coalition began bombing the country endlessly. This has resulted in the deaths of an estimated 233,000 people, now admitted in a recent United Nations report.

It’s a painful reminder, even in the midst of a daily onslaught of COVID-related ‘grim milestones’ peddled by mainstream media, that an entire population of a country has seen more death and destruction visited upon it by foreign invaders than any ‘pandemic’ could ever do:

Almost a quarter of a million people have died in Yemen’s war, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said on its website on Tuesday, confirming the huge toll from a conflict that has ravaged Yemen’s economy and created the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

The pictures from the ground in Yemen tell the horrific story on its own – no media spin required:


READ MORE YEMEN NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Yemen Files




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