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Reports: ISIS is Active Again in Daraa, Syria

Khaled Iskef | Several incidents have taken place during the past months in Daraa, including targeting members of the Syrian Army and security forces.

BREAKING: Syria Takes Control of Occupied Golan Heights Border

21WIRE + AMN | More eradication of ISIS, this time along the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Next stop, Idlib.

SYRIA: The White Helmet Exodus Managed by ‘Regime-Change’ Coalition

Vanessa Beeley | The White Helmet Exodus from Syria, managed by NATO member states.

Victory Near: Syrian Army Close to Liberating Daraa from Western, Israeli-backed Terrorists

21WIRE | It is only a matter of time before the remaining pockets of western and Israeli-backed terrorists are mopped-up in the southern region, leaving the US and its allies facing real defeat in their years-long effort to destabilize and trigger regime change in Syria.

SYRIA: The Terrorists and their Backers, Including U.K, U.S Media are “Loathsome, Uncultured and Malignant”

Marcus Papadopoulos + Syria Times | “Syrian soil will remain Syrian, not American or British”

Will Syria be the Battleground for All-Out War Between Russia and America?

Elijah Magnier | It is natural for the US to resist the loss of its unilateral dominant status.

SYRIA: Vanessa Beeley on RT Covering Latest White Helmet Participation in US Extremist Atrocities

Vanessa Beeley + RT | White Helmets once again caught disposing of dismembered bodies, murdered by US extremist factions

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