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REPORT: Syrian Army’s ‘an Airport for an Airport’ Policy to Counteract Israeli Aggression

According to a new report by the Kuwaiti Al-Rai newspaper, Syrian Armed Forces have adopted a new policy of response to further acts of aggression by Israel.

High-ranking Syrian official: This means that a strike on an airport in Syria will be met with a strike on an airport in Israel and so on.
A high-ranking Syrian official summarized the policy by saying “this means that a strike on an airport in Syria will be met with a strike on an airport in Israel and so on.” (Screengrab/SouthFront)

The decision to enact such a policy comes just three months after Israel launched airstrikes on Syria over Latakia – resulting in the accidental downing of a Russian Il-20 military plane, shot down by Syrian Air Defense systems. The Al-Rai report added that Russia has given Syria the ‘green light’ to pursue the new rules of engagement.

For more on this story and other breaking news, watch SouthFront’s Syrian War Report:

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