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Saudis Confirm Non-Dollar Oil Trade Plans at Davos

Zero Hedge | Is it really dusk for the petrodollar, and dawn for the petroyuan?

Norway Replaces Russia as Germany’s Top Gas Supplier

21WIRE | Another clue as to Washington’s motivation for blowing up the Nordstream pipelines.

How Arming Ukraine Has Made America Weaker

21WIRE | This definitely isn’t FDR’s America anymore.

Zelensky Demands to Address UN on Anniversary of Russia’s Military Intervention

AP | Ukraine angling to use the UN as a PR platform to make impossible demands of Russia.

Spies and More Lies Only Add Confusion to the Ukraine Conflict

Philip Giraldi | The activities of spies and the agents that they direct should be considered a major part of the overall war effort by both sides.

INTERVIEW: Col. Douglas Macgregor on Russia’s Winter Offensive

21WIRE | Here’s what’s likely to happen on the battlefield over the next two months.

Ukraine Arms Trafficking: The Waltz of Bloody Clowns

Arnaud Develay | It seems that the hunger of Kiev’s bloody clown is never satisfied.

Zelensky Prepares for WEF and BlackRock Private-Public Takeover of Ukraine

21WIRE | Zelensky to hold talks with trillionaire fund BlackRock to takeover the country’s postwar ‘reconstruction’.

CIA’s Deadly ‘Strategy of Tension’ to Destroy Russia

Kurt Nimmo | Washington’s planned subversion operations inside Russia well before Moscow’s intervention in Ukraine.

Lavrov: US Should Think Twice Before Contemplating ‘Decapitating Strike’ Against Moscow

RT International | Pentagon officials are now inferring that the assassination of Russian President Vladimir Putin in a bona fide option for US.

Zelensky’s ‘Begging Bowl’ Roadshow: A New Low Point in American History

21WIRE | Democrats and Neocons cheered on as Zelensky unfired his flag on the floor of Congress.

Croatian President: ‘Ukraine is Not Our Ally

21WIRE | President Milanovic has warned that Ukraine will end up bringing ‘war to the Balkans.’

The EU’s Gas ‘Price Cap’ Threatens to Worsen the Energy Crisis

21WIRE | As a result of directionless thinking by western leaders, more damage is about to be done to European and UK energy consumers.

Putin: Russia May Adopt US-Style ‘Preemptive Strike’ Doctrine

AP | The Russian President warns that his country could adopt the U.S. concept of using preemptive military strikes, noting it has the weapons to do the job.

Moscow Lodges Formal Complaint with Vatican Over Pope’s Comments

21WIRE | Recent off-handed comments by the Pontiff about Russia’s ethnic minorities were a dubious ‘insinuation’.

In Ploy to Raise Cash for Its Proxy, NATO Promises Membership for Ukraine

AP | Both Washington and Europe are running out of money to prop-up the Zelensky regime in Kiev.

US Talk Show Host Slams Zelensky’s ‘Begging for Cash’ From US Taxpayers

21WIRE | ‘He’s some corrupt Ukrainian strongman. Where does he get that attitude?’

‘Bye-bye, Kiev, Hello Cote d’Azur’ – How Ukraine’s Elites Are Profiting from Western Aid

Olga Sukharevskaya | Not surprisingly, corrupt Ukrainian officials are using the funding to amass personal fortunes and live the high life.

Industry Watchdog: Germany at Risk of Mass Exodus of Industry

21WIRE | One out of four enterprises may be forced to move operations abroad due to inflation and extortionate energy costs.

Geopolitics vs The Great Reset: Realism Returns to the Fore

Patrick Henningsen | What is currently unfolding across the global economy is indicative of a much bigger geopolitical story.

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