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FOUL PLAY? Four Dead Russian Diplomats in Three Months

Adam Garrie | ‘Vitaly Churkin often looked like a titan in a room full of school children.’

Putin Weighs in on #FakeNewsWeek by Congratulating ‘La Stampa’ Periodical

21WIRE + The Duran | Putin weighs in on the Fake News concept, but not in the way you might expect. There may be something to be said for the power in what is left unspoken.

10 YEARS ON: Putin’s Munich Speech Still Resonates

Neil Clarke | Unlike the standard geopolitical guesswork employed by US leaders, almost everything Putin said at Munich was turned out to be correct.

Putin and Trump to Potentially Meet in Slovenia

21WIRE + RT | Russian President Vladimir Putin says he’s ready to meet his American counterpart, Donald Trump, with Ljubljana, Slovenia, confirmed as a possible venue for the first encounter.

Putin Blasts Merkel Over Ukraine for Complicity in ‘Kiev’s destructive acts’

21WIRE + The Duran | In furious telephone call with German Chancellor Angela Merkel Russian President Vladimir Putin accuses Ukraine of using Normandy format sponsored by Merkel to conceal its military aggression in eastern Ukraine.

FAKE NEWS WEEK: Electronic Voting – The Big Lie That Just Won’t Die

Mark Anderson | Does anyone still think electronic voting machines are monumentally secure?

Trump Asks O’Reilly, ‘Do you think our country is so innocent?’ After Pundit calls Putin ‘a killer’

21WIRE + RT | Donald Trump responds to Bill O’Reilly after host calls Putin ‘a killer,’ ‘Do you think our country is so innocent?’

James Clapper Himself Debunks “Russia Hacked US Election” Meme

21WIRE + Washingtons Blog | James Clapper re: ‘Russian hack’ – “They did not change any vote tallies or anything of that sort.”

SOUR GRAPES? Whatever happened to the ‘smooth transition of power’ that Obama vowed?

Andrew Malcolm | Petty political ploys are standard operating procedure back in the Chicago wards that spawned Obama’s career.

Vladimir Putin Holds Annual Public Q&A – Damages Western Propaganda with Open Dialog

21WIRE + The Duran | Putin’s annual media conference focused on allegations of personal involvement in the US elections, the threat of a nuclear arms race, and the potential for a Syria ceasefire.

Hannity Interview with Julian Assange: Wikileaks Source is NOT The Russian Government

21WIRE + The Duran | Once again, information which shows that Russia had no role to play in the Wikileaks email leak.

Putin Tells Obama and Western Media: “Either stop talking about it or finally show some kind of proof”

Zero Hedge | Putin’s spokesman speaks out, says: “indecent” of the United States to “groundlessly” accuse Russia of intervention in its elections.

Russian Military Preparing to Liberate Palmyra

The Duran | Russian President Vladimir Putin met with his Security Council and military and intelligence chiefs to plan the recapture of Palmyra from ISIS.

CIA Claims of Russian Intervention in US Election Fall Flat

The Anti-Media | CIA “secret report” claims Russia influenced the US election is questionable coming from agency that has interfered and influenced the governments of so many countries.

KREMLIN: Putin Congratulates Trump, Hopes to Work Together Major Issues

21WIRE + RT | What happens between the two leaders over the coming months could chart the geopolitical course going forward.

BOMBSHELL: Clinton WikiLeak Exposes Entire ‘Shadow Government’ – Jay Dyer (Vid)

Jay Dyer | This election reveals the deep state and vindicates us “conspiracy theorists” like never before.

JaysAnalysis: Daniel Spaulding on Classical Nihilism & the Liberal Order

Jay Dyer | Daniel Spaulding of Soul of the East joins me to talk about his many essays, including evangelical nonsense, false teachers and scam artists, and their use by the government apparatus for foreign policy propaganda.

JayaAnalysis: Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson – Metaphysics of Postmodern Imperialism (Half)

Jay Dyer | Dr. Johnson joins me to discuss metaphysics, Darwinism, Platonism, Putin, Eurasia and a heck of a lot more. A must-hear!

GAME OVER: Airstrikes Annihilate 700 ISIS Vehicles Fleeing Fallujah

21WIRE | Their fight appears to be over.

Step Forward? Putin & Erdogan Hold First Talk Since Jet Shoot Down

21WIRE | Is this a step forward that can begin to reverse worrying trends?

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