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Russian Military Preparing to Liberate Palmyra

21st Century Wire says…

Keep an eye on Syria in the coming days and weeks as Palmyra has been stricken by renewed assaults from ISIS fighters, with Russia and the Syrian Army clearly planning to defend the city. 

Here’s more insight and analysis from The Duran…


Alexander Mercouris
The Duran

Russian President Vladimir Putin met today with his Security Council and military and intelligence chiefs to plan the recapture of Palmyra from ISIS.

Here is the Kremlin’s summary:

“Participants in the meeting exchanged views on the situation around Palmyra, as well as the advances made by the Syrian Army in Aleppo.”

As I have said previously, for the Russians Palmyra is a key objective, and they consider their prestige to be bound up with its liberation.  That guarantees that they will ensure it is taken back, and that ISIS’s recapture of the city is short lived.  Indeed they will ensure that ISIS pays a fearful price for its recapture of the city…

Continue this story at The Duran

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