21st Century Wire says…
We’ve seen it over and over again in the mainstream media, “Russia Hacked the US Election.” It has been a pervasive meme in the media ever since Donald J. Trump won the US Presidential election and it inspires consumers of mainstream media to believe that Russia actually used cyber intelligence agents to hack into the computers that are used to track the voting. Surveys show that many Americans believe that there was a literal computer hack of the election to change the results.
Americans who believe this are duped by a false meme that has been bludgeoned into their psyches by their mainstream media outlets. James Clapper, head of all US intelligence, admitted while speaking at the Congressional Armed Services Committee that Russia had no hand in changing the vote tallies and did “nothing of that sort.”
Due to incredibly sloppy reporting by the mainstream media – constantly repeating the phrase “Russia hacked the election” – many Americans believed that Russia literally changed votes on election day.
A YouGov poll from last month found that half of all Democrats believe that Russia directly tampered with vote tallies:
But today, the head of all U.S. intelligence – James Clapper – told Congress (specifically the Armed Services Committee):
“They did not change any vote tallies or anything of that sort.”
So will the media apologize…
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