RT International | Russian president orders his defense minister to begin withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria.
BREAKING: Putin in Syria – Announces Withdrawal of Russian Troops
SYRIA: Russia’s President Putin Reiterates Commitment to Fighting Terrorism in Letter to President Assad
Syria Times | President Putin “I am confident that through our joint efforts, we will achieve victory and restore peace and stability to the Syrian territories.”
SYRIA: Deir Ezzor Liberation Heralds Victory over US Coalition Regime Change Plot
Finian Cunningham | We should expect the global battlefield to shift.
‘Nyet’: Bibi Crashes Putin’s Summer Holiday
21WIRE | Bibi is off his mind and in full crisis mode over Iran’s influence in Syria.
Trump Thanks Putin for Slashing US Embassy Staff: ‘It Cut Our Payroll’
21WIRE | Trump winds-up the media again this week, playing the counter meme game from his golf club.
The U.S. Establishment vs The Rest of World
Thierry Meyssan | The Democrat and Republican leaders came to an agreement – to thwart President Trump’s foreign policy and preserve their imperial advantages.
‘Trump, Russia, Possible Collusion’ (REMIX)
21WIRE | It’s perhaps the biggest political hoax in modern history, and they’re still at it…
NOTHING BIG MAC: Donnie Jr Caught in Latest Russiagate Ragbag
Patrick Henningsen | Suddenly, this has all the makings of a classic political set-up.
UK COLUMN: Putin Meets Trump, UK Foreign Office £1 Billion ‘Conflict’ Slush Fund, TTIP By Stealth
UK Column News | UK Column co-anchor Mike Robinson is joined by 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen and Vanessa Beeley for today’s news programme.
HAWK OR NOT? Is Trump Expanding the Wars?
21WIRE | Getting the White House to decouple from Pentagon group-think may prove to be too hard a task for a President who is desperate for poll rating and a win, any win.
The New Ankara Shuffle: Caught Between Moscow, Riyadh and Tehran
Dr Can Erimtan | At present, all roads lead to Raqqa, but that same road might also be a cul de sac for Kurdish national ambitions.
Russia, According to Westerners Who Actually Went There
21WIRE + Rick Sterling | Surprising findings from a recent trip to Russia
Russia-Gate Was All the Rage Across US Media – Where Did it Go and Why?
21WIRE + Robert Parry | Russia-gate was incessantly pushed by US media only to disappear after the highly questionable chemical attack in the Idlib province of Syria and two US strikes.
Putin Calls US Airstrikes on Syria ‘An Illegal Act of Aggression,’ Suspends Deconfliction Air Agreement with US
21WIRE | Russian leader is condemning Trump’s knee-jerk military action as a violation of international law.
SYRIA: Approaching the Finishing Line, Geopolitical ‘Jockeying for Position’ Intensifies
Andrew Korybko | As Syria nears the finishing line of a six year NATO state terrorism campaign, the geopolitical maneuvering hots up
Russian Preacher: “John McCain is a Bum”, Anti-Russia Rhetoric is “Childish”
21WIRE | Who in their right mind would say Rand Paul works for Putin?
Russian Street Preacher vs. American Students
21WIRE | And, an explosive debate with students.
What?! John McCain says Rand Paul is “Working for Putin”
21WIRE | Has he completely lost his mind?
Two Trump Tweets Debunk Russian Connection Conspiracy
21WIRE Pelosi and Schumer have been caught very Red handed.
Should We Worry About McMaster as Trump’s National Security Advisor?
21WIRE | Is McMaster going to reignite tensions with Russia?