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Michelle Obama Celebrates 50th Birthday with ‘Tax Holiday’ at Oprah’s Hawaii Compound

21WIRE + Ben Swann | Far be it from us to be nitpicky, but this latest FLOTUS escapade ain’t no shopping trip on Michigan Ave.

On the Eve of JFK’s Death: Senate Leader Harry Reid’s ‘Hunger Games’ have put an end to all debate

21 WIRE + Washington Post | The public are left without a choice in America’s political future under a ‘majority rules’ banner.

Oprah Stoking the Flames of Race Politics

21WIRE + Newsbusters | Is this the real Oprah-Effect?

“The Fall of the Republic”

(CLICK PICTURE TO ENLARGE) Marvel here at one of the great Neo-classical masterpieces, “The Fall of the Republic”, chronicling the rise, slide and fall of this once great Constitutional Republic. It’s an age-old scene where the characters may change but the story doesn’t. An empire in decline, a happy time when style reigns over substance […]

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