Patrick Henningsen | Is there life beyond ‘borrow and spend’?
Filed Under: International News, Patrick Henningsen, VGC Tagged With: Bailout, Barney Frank, Big government, C4liberty, Campaign for Liberty, economics, Federal Government, GM, Health Care Reform, Keynesian, Leo Strauss, Nancy Pelosi, Obama spending, Reagan, Reaganomics, Ron Paul, small government, Stimulus Bill, Tea Party, VP Joe Biden, Wall Street
“The Fall of the Republic”
(CLICK PICTURE TO ENLARGE) Marvel here at one of the great Neo-classical masterpieces, “The Fall of the Republic”, chronicling the rise, slide and fall of this once great Constitutional Republic. It’s an age-old scene where the characters may change but the story doesn’t. An empire in decline, a happy time when style reigns over substance […]
Filed Under: Uncategorized Tagged With: Barney Frank, Barry Soetoro, Caligula, Chicago Mafia, corruption, Democrat, Eric Holder, Fall of the Republic, House Ways and Means Commitee, Let them eat cake, Marie Antoinette, Nancy Pelosi, Obama, Oprah, Rahm Emanuel, Roman Orgy, Rome Burns, Saul Alinsky, scandal, Washington