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TRENDSTORM: In the Gulf and in Syria, Who Will Blink First?


A few of the points contained in the ultimatum include shutting down Al Jazeera and its affiliates, kicking Turkey out of its new military base, dramatically downscaling relations with Iran, and cutting all ties with certain Islamist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood. Saudi Arabia gave Qatar 10 days to comply with these and other harsh terms, meaning that it has until next week to do what it’s told, though it’s unclear what will happen if Doha doesn’t abide by these orders…

If left unresolved, there’s a chance that Qatar and Iran could move even closer together and possibly even cooperate with Russia in forming a “gas OPEC”, something which is completely contradictory to Saudi Arabia’s interests, especially if this leads to an EU-destined pipeline through Turkey. On the other hand, the tightening of the Saudi-led Arab axis between itself, Bahrain, the UAE, and Egypt is also problematic for Qatar and Iran, so either way, something will probably give sooner than later, but the question is, who blinks first?

Sputnik Radio host Andrew Korybko speaks with Patrick Henningsen, Executive Editor or 21st Century Wire.com, and Gilbert Mercier, author of “The Orwellian Empire”, editor-in-chief of News Junkie Post, and geopolitical analyst, commented on the issue…

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