21WIRE | Incredible coincidence, or something more sinister?
MH17 Files
The MH17 disaster was a pivotal moment in US-Russia relations and served as the chief pretext for US-led sanctions against Russia. But what really happened that day in the summer of 2014?
Day #1 of #MH17 Trial has concluded at a special secure judicial facility located near Amsterdam Airport. Defense opening arguments indicate a direct challenge to JIT core narrative. We'll be releasing a more detailed analysis soon at 21WIRE. pic.twitter.com/RrYAU0m8vj
— Patrick Henningsen (@21WIRE) March 9, 2020
Israel Held ‘Largest Ever’ Air Combat Drill Nearby, On Same Day as Russian Sinai Crash
West Embarrassed By Russia in Syria, Now Blaming Russia for MH17 Disaster
21WIRE | The West continues to try and score points after being upstaged by Russia.
Episode #93 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘International Subterfuge 101’ with host Patrick Henningsen, guest Ray McGovern
SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…
CrossTalk: ‘Remembering MH17’ with Ray McGovern, Patrick Henningsen and Alexander Mercouris
CrossTalk | MH17 was a prelude to a new Asymmetric War between the West and Russia.
MH17 One Year On: What Really Happened and Why
Patrick Henningsen | An exercise in grand deception and mass misdirection.
SCAPEGOAT: Is Germanwings Pilot Andreas Lubitz Being ‘Framed’ for French Alps Crash?
Shawn Helton | What’s the real story regarding the Germanwings disaster?
AIRBUS CRASH: What Caused Germanwings Flight to Crash into the French Alps?
21WIRE + RT | What caused Germanwings flight 9525 to descend abruptly into the French Alps?
Oscar Night Special: 21WIRE ‘Mop-Up’ Awards
21WIRE SPECIAL | Extending the awards process out of film and into the real-life psy-op psycho dramas we suffer daily.
YEAR IN REVIEW: 2014 Top Ten Conspiracies
Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton | The Year 2014 proved to be a banner year for unbelievable conspiracies.
Episode #65 – ‘SUNDAY WIRE X-MAS SPECIAL’ with Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton
SUNDAY WIRE | Looking back on a bold 2014, and seeing what might lie ahead in 2015…
TWIST OF FATE: Lie Detector Confirms Ukrainian War Plane ‘Deployed’ On Day MH17 Was Downed
21WIRE + RT | Ukrainian war plane theory confirmed by lie detector test.
TURN OF EVENTS: French airline CEO Claims MH370 ‘Shot Down’ by United States
21WIRE + RT | Is this latest MH370 claim closer to the truth?
Addicted to Lies: Kiev, CIA Still Pushing Fake Reports of ‘Russia Invading Ukraine’
21WIRE + RT | The old lie that NATO is merely a “security alliance” is beginning to disintegrate rapidly, as western war games become dangerous.
Results of MH17 Investigation to Remain ‘Classified’
21WIRE + Global Research | Ukraine, the Netherlands, Australia and Belgium agree to classify the results of the investigation.
Ukraine: NATO’s Russian Tank Invasion Psyop
Stuart J. Hooper | A psychological operation has taken place over the past week that once again looked to paint Russia as the enemy.
MH17: Conspiracy, Putin and World War 3
Stuart J. Hooper | While an unthinkable tragedy, the loss of MH17 is not worth World War Three.
FLIGHT CONTROL: Boeing’s ‘Uninterruptible Autopilot System’, Drones & Remote Hijacking
Shawn Helton | The Big Secret: Boeing-Honeywell’s ‘uninterruptible’ autopilot system can disallow any pilot or hijacker from flying any aircraft in mid-flight.
After Failed MH17 False Flag, Washington Attempts Bold New Moves to Frame Russia
21WIRE | Clearly, war planners in Washington are determined to fabricate a case against Russia
Episode #44 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Declassified: The MH17 Files’ with Patrick Henningsen and Basil Valentine
SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Pulling back the curtain on MH17 and the truth about Russia and the Ukraine.
MH17 Verdict: Real Evidence Points to US-Kiev Cover-up of Failed False Flag
21WIRE SPECIAL REPORT | This comprehensive report points to a damning criminal indictment of Kiev in the downing of MH17, and political and media complicity by Washington and NATO to cover it up.