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Iran remains as one of the US and Israel's primary targets in achieving regional hegemony over the Middle East and Central Asia. Read our archive to learn more about the Islamic Republic and what its geopolitical challenges are going forward.

SYRIA: US and Israel Backed Kurdish Bid for ‘Autonomy’ is Doomed to Failure

Jon Wight | Note to the Kurds – ‘Whatever imperialism gives with one hand, it can and does obliterate with the other.’

SYRIA: Dr Bashar Al Jaafari Frustrated by Political ‘Adolescents’ – Astana Talks, Geneva

SANA | Dr Bashar Al Jaafari expresses frustration as latest round of talks come to an end in Geneva

YEMEN: “Saudis, Emiratis and USA are Inflicting a War of Genocide Against the Houthis ~ Prof. Francis Boyle

Sputnik | Claims that Houthis are ‘agents of Iran’ is a ‘fairy-tale myth’

The Next War Between Israel & Hezbollah: When, How and Why

21WIRE + MEEX | Will Israel use the Syrian conflict to make yet another lunge into Lebanon?

SYRIA: Approaching the Finishing Line, Geopolitical ‘Jockeying for Position’ Intensifies

Andrew Korybko | As Syria nears the finishing line of a six year NATO state terrorism campaign, the geopolitical maneuvering hots up

SYRIA: Israel Threatens To Destroy Syrian Air Defence ‘Without The Slightest Hesitation’

21WIRE + The Independent | Avigdor Lieberman’s controversial remarks only serve to conflagrate and escalate tensions in Syria.

TRUMPDOM: The Curious World of Trump’s Foreign Policy Explained

Niraj Srivastava | Foreign policy in Trumpdom takes some dizzying turns, here we try to make sense of the maelstrom

Trump Halts Travel In New Executive Order

21WIRE + RT | Trump Halts Travel In New Executive Order.

Nader Talebzadeh: They Planned and He Plans

Nader Talebzadeh | As America wakes up from its spell, people are seeing through the old Neocons and media media constructs, realizing the potential for change.

INTERVIEW: Patrick Henningsen on America, Iran and the Palestinian Question

Khamenei.ir | What is the relationship between Iran and Palestine?

The Trump Effect on the Balance of Power in the Middle East

Niraj Srivastava | Peace and stability will be achieved through Assad and Syria’s allies, not through US intervention

Washington State Judge Issues Temporarily Block on Trump’s Immigration Ban Nationwide

21WIRE | New lawsuit seeks to permanently block parts of the executive order that suspend immigration from 7 “Muslim-majority” countries.

Iran in the Crosshairs -Pre-Emptive ‘Attack Iran’ Bill Active in US House

Daniel McAdams | Is Iran the ultimate target for the Trump administration?

SYRIA: Cradle of Civilization and Pivot for the Global Power Games

Andrew Korybko | The Trump re-shuffle is taking time to settle

SUNDAY SCREENING: Counter Intelligence – ‘The Strategy of Tension’

SUNDAY SCREENING | Shining a light on government-run false flag attacks in history…

Dear USA: There Will Be No Partition in Syria

Sharmine Narwani | Any partition of Syria would, therefore, benefit ISIS and Al-Qaeda primarily – and all the parties know this.

Iran Takes Advantage of OPEC Oil Production Cut to Sell Millions of Barrels

Reuters | Iran is now starting to offload oil stock that was tied up in tankers during oversupply of 2016.

Dr Marcus Papadopoulos speaks with BBC Radio 5 Live about Syria ceasefire prospects

Dr Marcus Papadopoulos | This latest agreement did not include the US in any of its negotiations.

China and Iran Sign Military Pact Ahead of Tehran Looks at $10 Billion Deal with Moscow

Sputnik News | Apparently, Tehran is seeking to bolster its military ahead of Trump taking power in 2017.

Shimon Peres secret: ‘I stopped Netanyahu from catastrophic attack on Iran’

21WIRE + RT | This latest revelation only proves what many had speculated before.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue