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Hezbollah is threat to Israel – but not to the United States

Sharmine Narwani | For Lebanon, Hezbollah is more than just the first Arab force to militarily expel the Israeli Defense Forces.

SYRIA: US Military Base on Iraqi Border is to Prevent Iranian “Land-Route to Syria and Palestine”

Sharmine Narwani | Syria and allies are out-maneuvering the US coalition and re-drawing NATO’s road map for the region

Trump and Salman’s Folly: After Riyadh Summit, ‘Sunni Unity’ Crumbles

Sharmine Narwani | The latest effort to bulldoze through a “Sunni consensus” under the umbrella of “Saudi-American power” has ended in failure.

Dear USA: There Will Be No Partition in Syria

Sharmine Narwani | Any partition of Syria would, therefore, benefit ISIS and Al-Qaeda primarily – and all the parties know this.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue