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Dr Vernon Coleman: ‘This is the Moment the Jabbing Has to Stop’

The evidence is overwhelming by now: the experimental COVID-19 vaccines are causing unnecessary and severe side effects in a growing number of victims now suffering heart inflammatory issues including myocarditis. In some cases, this condition can lead to sudden death. As a result of the dangerous risk posed by these experimental jabs, all of the Scandinavian countries – Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland – have either paused or completely halted the use of the controversial Moderna mRNA gene therapy injection. This should be a time for serious reflection. But why aren’t other governments taking this issue seriously?

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Dr Vernon Coleman shines a light on the recent peer reviewed findings published in the Circulation Journal which are a damning indictment for the experimental mRNA ‘vaccine’ gene therapy currently being deployed by governments, mainstream media and the transnational pharmaceutical drug cartel. Watch:  

READ MORE VACCINE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Vaccines Files




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