Jay Dyer | Dr. Johnson joins me to discuss metaphysics, Darwinism, Platonism, Putin, Eurasia and a heck of a lot more. A must-hear!
The "Asian Century" is the projected 21st-century dominance of Asian in the fields of geopolitics, technology and culture - supplanting the 19th century as Britain's Imperial Century, and the 20th century as the American Century. Here we read the tea leaves by charting the major political movements and markets..
BREXIT Puppet Show, Turkey’s Eurasian Shift, Blair’s Gold Medal: UK Column July 19, 2016
UK Column News | Another powerful news broadcast covering today’s big stories.
21WIRE.TV PREVIEW: ‘INSIGHT – Battle for Eurasia’ (49 min)
21WIRE.TV | A preview of our first pilot episode is here.
‘Major Defence Partner’: American Military Industrial Complex Infects India
21WIRE | What does the US have planned for India?
JaysAnalysis: Nina Kouprianova on Russia as Target of Western NGOs
Jay Dyer | In this episode, Nina joins me to discuss her espionage history translations, as well as her upbringing in Russia and the not so “humanitarian” NGOs and “aid” organizations’ plots, along with the IMF, toward Russia.
Erdogan: Pretender to the Ottoman Throne Threatens to Exile Five Million Turks
Thierry Meyssan | Erdogan’s delusions of Empire threaten to deprive 5 million Turks of their nationality.
Another Hidden War: Azerbaijan & Armenia
21WIRE + UK Column | Some key points regarding the geopolitical tremors in Nagorno-Karabakh.
ANALYSIS: Armenia and Azerbaijan – The History Behind the Recent Tensions
21WIRE + Andrew Korybko | The real reasons behind the recent Azerbaijan and Armenia tensions explained by geopolitical analyst, Andrew Korybko.
LIBERAL AMERICAN WORLD ORDER: Prof. Alexander Dugin on JaysAnalysis
Jay Dyer | Prof. Alexander Dugin is an author, lecturer and former advisor to President Vladimir Putin.
The Final Control: TPP, TTIP, TISA Global Corporate Takeover
Wikileaks | Under this new secretive regime, all are subservient to the transnational corporate hive.
World War III – ‘The New Axis of Evil’
Storm Clouds Gathering | The alliances and proxies of the Syrian Front explained…
US National Insecurity: The Art of Blaming Russia (For Everything)
Daniel Spaulding | Instead of tired, CIA-fueled Cold War narratives and covers for liberal imperialism, perhaps sincere conservatives and ‘patriots’ in America should look to Solzhenitsyn.
NATO’s Epic Fail: Taliban Retake Major Hub of Kunduz in Afghanistan
21WIRE | How long before people wise-up to the 15 year-long fraud in Afghanistan?
FAIL: US-backed ‘Electric’ Color Revolution in Armenia Short Circuits
Tony Cartalucci | Times are tough for America’s “color revolution” industry.
US Desperate to Steer Greece Away From Russian-Turkish Pipeline Project
Patrick Henningsen | The US and Russia are currently locked in a battle for regional energy dominance in Europe.
NATO PEDIGREE: A Bosnian Scenario for Ukraine?
Ivan Proskin | NATO’s past blitzkrieg and domination of the former Yugoslavia shows us what to expect in the Ukraine.
The Bankster International: Procession Toward a World State
Mark Hackard | Scoring a fortune off human misery and plundering economic assets – it’s all in a day’s work for the globetrotting elite.
Date With Destiny: Is Independence for Eastern Ukraine a ‘Done Deal’?
Andrew McKillop | No amount of kicking, crying, or screaming from Washington or London can change the fact that Eastern Ukraine will eventually win some level recognition.
Andrew McKillop | A kind of Pan Asian ‘shatterbelt’ is emerging and nobody can stop it.
Andrew McKillop | Battle for the Ukraine is shaping up into a classic poker-game challenge for Vladimir Putin.