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LIBERAL AMERICAN WORLD ORDER: Prof. Alexander Dugin on JaysAnalysis

small bookJay Dyer
21st Century Wire

Prof. Alexander Dugin is an author, lecturer and former advisor to President Vladimir Putin.  He was gracious enough to speak with me in this in-depth philosophical discussion that covers a wide range of topics, including: The origins of modern liberalism in the Enlightenment era, the problems of atomistic individualism, the anti-metaphysical stance of Anglo-saxon and Scottish empiricists, how this philosophy was mirrored in the Calvinist reformers, and the desacralization of Nature in the West.

From there, we discuss the ‘quantification’ of reality that resulted from that period’s mechanistic view of the kosmos and how this led to the techno-fetishism of our day and transhumanism, resulting in the attempt of destroying all collective groupings and ontological categories, including family, gender, etc. Professor Dugin explains the Fourth Political Theory and the importance of Heidegger and the European logos, as well as how evil can have its own inner ‘logic’ as we see “pure Satanism” manifested in the West.

READ MORE EURASIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Eurasia Files

Jay Dyer is the author of the forthcoming title, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film from Trine Day.  Focusing on film, philosophy, geopolitics and all things esoteric, JaysAnalysis and his podcast, “Esoteric Hollywood,” investigates the deeper meanings between the headlines, exploring the hidden aspects of our sinister synthetic mass media matrix. To hear more, go to Jays Analysis.com for information about becoming a subscriber to Jay’s podcasts.



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