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Broken System: Harbingers of the Coming Financial Collapse

21WIRE | Some investors are already hedging for what could be the biggest financial crash of this generation.

Results are Clear: Costs of UK Lockdown Are Too High

21WIRE | Will government repeat this same mistake again?

COVID-19 Reality: UK Lockdown Could Cause 150,000 ‘Avoidable’ Deaths

21WIRE + RT | The human cost of Britain’s coronavirus lockdown has yet to be seen.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Homelessness, Hunger and Shame’ (2019)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Is this the new normal in America?

The Financialization of the US Economy Should Terrify All Americans

Hossein Askari | Although it produces no consumable goods, the financial sector is taking up an increasing share of the US economy. Do the American people really benefit from this financial sector?

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The China Hustle’ (2017)

SUNDAY SCREENING | It was all going swimmingly well, until someone blew the whistle and threatened to bring down one of the biggest house of cards ever.

DISCUSSION: Who Will Fix the Growing Homeless Epidemic?

21WIRE | Question: Where is all the public money going?

Trump’s Tweets and China-Baiting Distracts from Fundamentally Poor US Economy

21WIRE | Amid all the drama with Trump’s tweets, few are asking the key question: just how healthy is the US economy?

In the Age of Amazon, Are Traditional Shopping Malls Dead?

21WIRE + Bloomberg | For mall owners, renovation spending is rising faster than rental income.

Western Worries: China Arrives On The World Stage

21WIRE + CrossTalk | China is ready to take over on nearly all fronts.

GREECE: The One Biggest Lie You Are Being Told By The Media

21WIRE + Global Research + Truth and Satire | Greece did not fail on its own. It was made to fail.

Gosling on Greece: The People Vs The Banks

21WIRE + Tony Gosling | The original home of democracy is seeing its values threatened like never before.

UK: The Case Against Securitizing The Economy

Stuart J. Hooper | A in-depth look at why it’s not necessary to consider the financial sector as a ‘national security’ issue.

HSBC Assists Criminals, Royalty, Terrorists, Drug Barons and Pop Stars in Tax Avoidance

21WIRE + RT | How much longer are we going to allow this rampant criminality?

SYRIZA: Greece Set To Reject Austerity And Financial Oligarchy

21WIRE + Foreign Policy | Will this cause upheaval? No doubt. Could it go horribly wrong? Of course. Is it necessary? Absolutely.

Executive Order: Obama mandate now seeking HIV tests for US citizens

21WIRE + WH | What other future mandates will government have for us, after this very dangerous precedence has been set?

Transatlantic Union: Scandals, Scoundrels and Global Trade Partners?

Shawn Helton | The bizarre new world of joint press conferences is beginning to prove the theory of a global government.

Budweiser, Barbie, Monopoly – no longer American Made

RT | Barbie doll, the game of Monopoly, Budweiser beer and Levi’s jeans fall victim to outsourcing

THINK ABOUT IT: Low Interest Rates Impoverish Savers

James Hall | The result is that treasure ends up in the accounts of the banksters and favored insiders.


Gonzo Town | No no real jobs going, heading off to India, or China may end up being a better option for young Americans.

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