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DISCUSSION: Who Will Fix the Growing Homeless Epidemic?

Rising costs of living, corporate welfare and monetarist governments has created the perfect storm.

SUNDAY WIRE host Patrick Henningsen speaks with guest Basil Valentine about a growing epidemic on both sides of the Atlantic, as both America and Britain’s homeless population continues to expand – as the wealth gap expands to record levels and the cost of living spirals upwards – leaving tens of thousands of vulnerable adults simply unable to cope with endless gouging from utility companies, speculative landlords, and excessive taxation from local authorities. Where is all the public money going? Answer: the military, and bailing out banks and corporations. The Democratic Party’s bloated 2020 field are offering different ‘free money’ scenarios, but this is no better than trying to ‘buy’ votes. Listen:

(This segment aired live on ACR on Sunday Sept 1, 2019)

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