VN Express | This story really demonstrates the tremendous power and influence wielded by the WHO and Big Pharma’s drug cartel.
Vietnam: 120 Children Hospitalized, Province Suspends Pfizer Vaccine
Pivot to Asia Redux: After 9/11 Anniversary, Washington Eyes China
Dr Can Erimtan | Will Biden be able to successfully complete his predecessor’s pivot to Asia, or will the US be supplanted by China a the Pacific hegemon?
China Sends 38 Fighter Jets, Bombers Into Taiwan Defense Zone
21WIRE + Reuters | Surprise show of force by Chinese air force triggers outrage from Taiwan and its US backers.
China’s Rise: From Humiliated Colony to Global Power
Brian Berletic | China has transformed from a developing nation to one rivalling the US – and now being poised to surpass the West as the dominant hegemon.
Pakistani Leader: ‘Absolutely No U.S. Bases in Our Country’
21WIRE | Announcement comes as Washington and Karachi negotiate new settlement for future US counterterrorism operations in Afghanistan
The ‘3 Seas Initiative’ – The West’s Answer to China’s Belt and Road?
Brian Berletic | Washington is desperate to maintain its exclusive influence over European geopolitical, economic and energy policy.
What Really Happened With SARS-1?
Dr Sam Bailey | The answer to this question so critical in understanding the current Covid hysteria.
Vietnam War from the North Vietnamese Perspective
Armchair Historian | Analysing the thoughts and motives behind perhaps the strangest, yet most persistent communist governments in Asia.
Fighting Over a Soviet Legacy: Nagorno-Karabakh
Dr Can Erimtan | The ‘frozen’ conflict which finally thawed, and with a bitter ending for the Armenians. Once again, money talks.
China vs India: Who Really Benefits?
Tony Cartalucci | In the end, this standoff serve the interests of neither nation, but it does serve the interests of Washington’s desabilization plans for the region.
SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Have Fun in Pyongyang’ (2020)
SUNDAY SCREENING | An insight into life and understanding how an isolated country survived the Cold War, famine in the 1990s, and the never-ending diplomatic and military standoffs.
New Indonesian Capital in Borneo: From Rural Misery to Grody Dreams of Urban Glory
Andre Vltchek and Mira Lubis | On the ground tracking the latest grand project, and yet another re-distribution of the national wealth into the hands of transnational elites.
Andre Vltchek on Duterte and Why Philippines Defied Trump and Embraced China
21WIRE | Will Duterte survive after breaking with so many long-standing institutions and policies?
Exclusive: The Philippines Are Choosing New Allies – Asia is Watching
Andre Vltchek | Will the most popular President in the history of the Philippines be able to, against all odds, change the foreign policy of his country?
Duterte: ‘US-Philippines Military Collaboration Agreement is Toast’
21WIRE | This is likely to set the scene for further geopolitical dramas between Manila and Washington.
Coronavirus: Number of Cases Surpasses SARS, China Holds Thousands ‘Under Observation’
21WIRE | New virus has passed SARS rates, with travel bans and road closures now sparking panic across multiple provinces.
Central Vietnam: An Enduring Legacy of How Far Washington is Willing to Go
Andre Vltchek | All of this must be remembered, because it is all still happening today.
The Sadness of Submissive, Quietly Recolonized Malaysia
Andre Vltchek | The story of a country whose ‘elites’ and ‘intellectuals’ put personal interests first, allowing the West to colonize their nation.
Not So Fast: China’s $400 Billion Iran Investment May Be Problem for U.S. War Planners
21WIRE | To attack Iran is to thwart China’s Belt and Road Initiative, which would be an astronomical gamble by the United States.
US Puppet Solicits Help to Make Thailand More Like America
Tony Cartalucci | The current government in Thailand is in the process of pivoting away from America’s own “pivot to Asia.”