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Delving deeper into the world of America's unexpected chief executive who, for better or worse, is actively reshaping US and international political conventions...


Dubious Reports of Advertisements Seeking Trump Protesters: “Get Paid Fighting Against Trump”

21WIRE + Zero Hedge | Reports of a ‘political group’ alleged to advertise in 12 cities to pay protesters for participating in disrupting the presidential inauguration exposed by Tucker Carlson as a phony organization.

Rosie O’Donnell Thinks Martial Law is in Order to Prevent a Trump Presidency

21WIRE | Rosie O’Donnell wants your political process, constitutional rights and freedoms to be taken away by the military to prevent a Trump inauguration.

Henningsen: ‘Trump Challenging Sacred Cows of US Foreign Policy, But for How Long?’

Patrick Henningsen | Trump tipping over all the sacred cows of Washington’s ‘foreign policy blob’ in advance of Friday’s inauguration.

Extreme Left #DISRUPTJ20 Plot to ‘Acid Bomb’ Inauguration Deploraball

21WIRE + Project Veritas | Hidden camera video exposé from Project Veritas appears to have uncovered extreme left group planning violent protest at Inaugural ball.

PROBLEM: Trump vs. The US Intelligence Machine

21WIRE + Consortium News | The battle between President-elect Trump and the US and UK intelligence agencies rages on.

Trump Conducts Sting Operation on US Intelligence Services

21WIRE + Daily Mail | Trump said he set a trap for his intelligence briefers and that they fell for it by leaking word of a classified briefing he had with them.

More Fake News: Mainstream Media Lies About Trump ‘Evicting’ White House Press Corp

21WIRE | Mainstream Media outlets continue their deceit tactics in attempt to demonize President Elect Trump.

REDUX 1963? The Deep State vs Donald Trump

Patrick Henningsen | In so many ways, Trump might be viewed as a moral enemy of the Deep State that has been allowed to reign unhindered by any real oversight, and accountable only to itself.

SUNDAY SCREENING: Counter Intelligence – The Deep State

SUNDAY SCREENING | The shadowy network that lurks behind America’s National Security State.

Episode #169 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Going Rogue’ with guest William Blum, Vanessa Beeley, Basil Valentine

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

REVEALED: The Establishment’s Scheme to Take Down Trump

21WIRE + Daniel Lazare | There is definitely a coup in the works, but what form it takes depends on how much sabotage Trump can withstand.

Boiler Room #92 – The (Hollywood) Hills Have Eyes

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Stewart Howe and Andy Nowicki breaking down Trump calling CNN Fake News, taking Big Pharma down a notch on wall street and more.

Keiser Report: 2017 – ‘The Year of the Rooster’

Keiser Report | Fake news, fake stuff, fake bonds and short selling…

Skeptics Unconvinced After Release of Feds’ Latest Report On ‘Russian Hack of DNC’

21WIRE + WIRED | Skeptics in the cyber security community are not convinced of the ‘Russian Hack’ narrative even after the release of the 25 page report.

COINCIDENCE? ‘Active Shooter’ Kills 5 in Fort Lauderdale, CNN Claims Voices in His Head ‘Told Him to Join ISIS’

21WIRE | Just when you thought this story couldn’t get any more ridiculous.

CIA Report Released: Trump maintains DNC Leaks had “Absolutely no effect on outcome of election”

21WIRE | New talking points, as media are now saying that Russia’s Putin “Aspired” to help Trump.

PROVOCATION? Republican Senators Introduce New Bill to Move US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem

21WIRE + The Guardian | Trump’s plan to move the US embassy to Jerusalem is part of a larger Zionist agenda.

SOUR GRAPES? Whatever happened to the ‘smooth transition of power’ that Obama vowed?

Andrew Malcolm | Petty political ploys are standard operating procedure back in the Chicago wards that spawned Obama’s career.

HACKING DEMOCRACY? CIA Accusing Russia of Doing What Langley Does So Well

Peter Certo | The irony: the CIA is accusing Russia of interfering in Uncle Sam’s free and fair elections.

THE BIG SHUFFLE: 2017 Trends and Predictions from 21WIRE

NEW YEARS SPECIAL | Looking ahead to the coming year – the good, the bad and the ugly…

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